Facing reality about getting older

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    As JW's we weren't supposed to get that old and fall sick, all depending on how old we were when we joined.

    But time is passing by and we are getting older, and sicker and uglier....lol

    Was it hard for you to accept that you will one day die, after being told that paradise is just around the corner?

  • avidbiblereader

    NO because I do believe there is something way better than this that is coming.

    1 Cor 2:9 9 That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,

    “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
    what God has prepared
    for those who love him


  • prophecor

    Its still hard for me to come to terms with, now. I always new that at the very least I would see the end of this system of things. Even if I was playing for the wrong team. Now, I don't believe even any alive today will be able to see the new system come around. It's coming, but its so far from our lifetime, we could be another 100 years before anyone sees the promises that God has in store for us.

  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    I was raised in the truf and as a kid I never believed that I would live forever. It seemed too far fetched to me. I was told that I would not get out of High School before the end came. Then it moved to 1975, then it morphed into "hang in there. It's 1914 + 80 years max", then that morphed into "no one knows, it is the contemporaneous generation of people that see the sign", etc. After 45 years of this my wife is getting pissed and realizes that she was BS'd when she was a kid and had an emotional dependence to the org. This is changing now.

  • AlmostAtheist

    I am honestly ok with living a long life and dying of old age. But knowing I might die or be irreparably damaged at any moment kinda sucks. I try not to think about it.


  • purplesofa
    and uglier....lol

    hey......speak for yourself!!!!

  • hopelesslystained

    I suppose I could die at any time. Aside from that, No, I was never to get past the age of 25.
    That alone is probably the toughest point I still deal with.

    My parents are staunch Jw and I see them still "faithful" yet still very much afraid of dieing. It just was not supposed to happen, that is, getting any older than the date of 1975 put you and actually dieing. There is deep fear in their eyes. And yet, a determination to remain faithful to the organization. Scary, gives me nighmares. I feel so sad for them.

    Deny it all the org wants, they are responsible for so many people wasteing their live peddling literature and fake bible studies. All the while believing they will have complete protection from the very end of this world as we know it.

    How could we have bought into this? A simple rule should have been considered. 'If it sounds too good to be true...'

    Hello - selling printed material supposedly reliable as 'truth' and attending regular meetings, various group assemblies etc., makes a person deserving of the bibllical gods protection and everlasting life in the garden of eden???


  • candidlynuts

    it's harder watching my grandparents die off and now my parents aging and getting frail.

    my life as a jw absolutely never preprared me for that. it simply wasnt going to happen , the end was too close.

  • JH
    hey......speak for yourself!!!!

    .OK, I'm speaking for myslef

  • mouthy

    37 y 4 m 20 d <<<< Almost an atheist------ At YOUR young age I do hope you live a long life.BUT you better look after yourself NOW!!!!! I was a young when I started work for the WT...Thinking I was going to be young & Beautiful in 1975.....so I didnt look after myself properly !!! walked too much out in service hurt my RA fingers pressing bells, knocking on doors -going up flights of stairs with my bad legs, to save the LOST!!!!!.... So at nearly 80....I sit & think of all those that worked with me that have since kicked the bucket...They died usually with out any visitors- because the congregation forgot them....SO I am chief APOSTATE in Ontario so THEY WONT FORGET ME!!!!

    sorry outerservice I stole your line at>>>> convention about being chief apostate

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