Do you have any "Phobias"

by JH 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • found-my-way

    I used to have really bad calsutrophobia, i havent been in an enclosed space for a long time (i got stuck, and left in a suitcase as a child and that started that phobia big time - i was playing, no one put me inside it)

    and really bad, like, have a heart attack bad fear of spiders, where i couldnt even stand the sight of one on tv, which also started in childhood, i was about 4, and was gardening with a neighbour, and there was a daddy long legs on my shirt, and she brushed it away with a knife (for cutting weeds?) and then i freaked it is not so bad...i cant touch a spider yet, but i can stand having them share a roomw ith me as long as they arent huge and black....the ugly green ones with the translucent legs are gross, I kill them no probs...sorry spiders

    im still scared of the dark tho....

    i wont stay in my basement if the lights are off..... lol

  • JH

    I don't know if the scare of "talking in front of a group" can be called a phobia, but It drives me nuts to talk in public. I get so nervous.

  • found-my-way

    same here JH, giving talks just about made me hyperventilate on stage....

    I remember screwing up a talk soooo badly, that I just stopped talking, i just sat there frozen for what seemed an eternity,

    the other sisters voice said her next line, and then I managed to continue....needless to say, i got a W on that talk! lol

  • iamfreenow

    I hate spiders as well, any spiders of any size or shape.

  • JH

    Yeah, that's the feeling I had at the book study when I had to read. And my pulse was so fast when I knew i would have to read.....

  • mama1119

    Oh I hate speaking in front of large groups too. My face always feels like its bright red, especially if I fear it turning bright red, then it really does.

    I also have a verrryyyy strange phobia that a mouse or bird will get caught up in my water pipes and I will be drinking dead bird water. So we have a water cooler, I don't ever drink tap water.

  • purplesofa

    i dont like crickets..........they will jump anywhere.

    I cant be in a dressing room, bathroom, elevator, walkin closet......tanning room.......etc etc for any length of time. My ex husband used to get me in a small room and was abusive and to this day, I swear I am the faster pee-er in the states!!!

    I can be in an MRI machine or a tanning bed......does not bother me..........just a very very small room with only one opening horrifies me.


  • pierogi

    If I mow the lawn and there is a frog in the lawn someplace...omg...then I'll be afraid to keep on mowing the lawn, just thinking that i might walk on it or chop it up in pieces with the lawn mower and it might splash all over me.

    Haha! I laughed out loud with that one!

  • new boy
    new boy

    I have a fear of anyone one that says "We are God's people".

  • HockeyMullet

    As a kid I was terrified of dolls. My parents let me stay up one night and watch "Trilogy of Terror", and that damn little Zuni warrior doll that came to life to kill that woman, really did a number on me. I then dismembered every doll in my house except for one life sized german doll that my mother brought over with her from her childhood. I could've sworn the thing was staring at me, so I poked its beady little eyes out, and then got spanked for it.

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