My kid wants a B-day party

by openminded 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    Celebrating a birthday is not a disfellowshipping offence. It is definitely not a common practice among members, but your wife will not get kicked out for it even if she wanted to celebrate with you and your child.

    *if she was a pioneer she could lose priveleges though, due to not being 'exemplary'.

    Plus reasoning that there is little difference between an anniversary (which most witnesses celebrate) and a birthday (anniversary of your birth) she might loosen up a bit.

    The whole forbidding of birthday thing has no support scripturally or even logically in the context of witnesses observing wedding anniversaries. They know this, that is why you can still celebrate your birthday and be a Witness.

    (edited for spelling)

  • Latte



    The above thread helped me to reason on just how silly the ‘No Birthday Celebration’ rule is. There are many thing’s that we could reason are bad………if we were miserable enough.

    Does your wife like coffee? Perhaps you could show her this.
    It's the most natural thing in the world to want to acknowledge your child's birthday. Romans 14v5

    Have a great party!


  • LDH

    Just don't be surprised if she pulls some "Theokratik Dookie" like leaving the night before for an unplanned trip to Grandma's......

    I'm being funny but serious.

    She might take your son 'away from the danger'-then where would you be trying to entertain ten 5 year olds?


  • openminded

    I don't necessarily have to make a big production out of it. Maybe just a couple of his buddies and a trip to the go-cart track and a gift(wrapped) to make him feel special and normal.-thats all I want

    Is it a b-day without cake? Im new to this.

  • lisaBObeesa

    IF you are going to do the birthday, you MUST have a cake. Don't try to skip it. He will notice!

    My child informed me what a birthday means: cake/candles, THE song, friends, and running around having blast for a while, and presents. Notice where 'cake' was on the list. He doesn't even LIKE cake.


    don't forget candles! He will be looking for them!

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Demonic activity at Chucky Cheese is too high to expose a JW child to. This could result in the little tad growing up and becoming an ax murderer. Listen to your wife on this one.

  • jurs

    When it comes to holidays and in this case your childs b- day , Stand firm and have a party. Only you can stand up for your child and see that he gets a happy childhood. My kids are both celebrating their birthdays for the first time this month. They'll be 11 and 12.
    If you cave in to your wifes nutty beliefs you'll be weighed down by guilt later on. I feel so guilty for depriving my kids of so many special memories of Christmas and birthdays. In my opinion your first responsibility and prioroty should be your child. Your his father and you should have say in how he is raised.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    the beastie boys would be so disappointed... you gotta fight for your right to parrrrrrrrrty!!!

    ~i woke up adrift in a technicolor bliss~

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE KIDS OF ALL AGES EVERYWHERE! Especially the ones who have some goober making a guilt 'issue' of their natural desire for a little fun and excitement on their special day!

    I say, give the child whatever sort of (reasonable) party he wants. If Mom isn't with it, she can go spend some time in field service while you do the party thing. He's only little once, and this is an important landmark for him. Please don't let her deter you from doing this for your child!

    If you decide to do a restaurant party, check ahead and see if they can provide a cake. Some of them do have party packages you can purchase. Kids seem to love this.

    This year I was too ill to bake a cake for Little Dark but we bought a nice cake at Wal-Mart's bakery; it was decorated with his current fave cartoon characters and cost under $15. A shiny 'happy birthday' banner, some disposable birthday plates etc, and most little guys will beam with pleasure. My kid loves the small gifts as much as the fancy; Hot Wheels cars and action need to go broke, it's the idea of presents that give 'em the groove, usually, not the $$$.

    Good luck! And tell your son 'happy birthday' for me!


  • nelly136

    isnt the wife supposed to be in subjection to her husband (shivers) even if he's not a jw?
    hell, they wrote the rules whats stopping you using them?

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