My Journey-Cruel and Unusual Punishment

by truthsetsonefree 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ex-nj-jw

    Dear truth,

    I too was brought in the same time period you were and was subjected to beatings, pinching and ear pulling. I have three children and could never understand how my parents could be so cruel over the most simple things as sitting still, like a mummy for 2 hours or not falling asleep during those boring meetings.

    We also were punished for not commenting at WT studies and book studies. No comment no play, must read the bible and write a report. The older we got the more strict the punishment!!!

    How did we ever make it out???


  • ex-nj-jw

    Oh yeah, I forgot the extension cord, iron cord, shoes, hair brushes, combs. My mom once thru a can of beer at my brother, he got 20 stiches in his head for that one. If it were today instead of the 70's she would have been in jail and we all would have been in foster care!!!


  • lisavegas420

    I was one of the meetings mean beatings kids. Every meeting during and then again after we got home. Mostly for wiggleling or falling to asleep. What else was there to do?

    The other day my ten year old granddaughter said, "I've never gotten a spanking in my entire life." .......hmmph...that's cause she was raised like a normal kid.


  • Stealth453

    Jesuz. I suffered much the same as an unwanted child. My parents beat the stuffings out of me on a regular basis, until one day, my PO father came home in a mood and started. I beat him to a bloodied pulp and told him if he ever laid a hand on me or my brothers again, I would kill him in his sleep. The beatings stopped, but the emotional abuse escallated to an all new level.

    Have I ever said just how much I hate the watchwankers?

  • tijkmo

    started with a wooden spoon with me so i am told..i was too young to remember

    one time it was a plastic 2 foot ruler...quite a solid one ..but it broke one time while i was getting hit..seemingly i cried because it broke..something about recognizing it as being a symbol of discipline and therefore by extension a symbol of my parents love for

    and then it was replaced by the cricket stump..why the hell do i still love cricket...something about it being....(see above)

    to be fair the discipline was never excessive...not to the same degree some received..and i would convince myself that i deserved them but in hindsight i was probably only being a kid.

    i would also get the talk as to why i was getting punished..and the old 'this is hurting me more than you' speech...(yeah ! do the math)

    but i was a fast learner..after the first few times of being brave and hard and not crying i soon learned that the quicker i cried the quicker they stopped.

    something i should have remembered for my judicial

    tijkmo..of the "i was just a child i'm only a man" class

  • truthsetsonefree

    ""I've never gotten a spanking in my entire life." .......hmmph...that's cause she was raised like a normal kid."

    Amen. I can also empathize with the "its a symbol of discipline" thing. It took a while for me to get past that. I still probably haven't fully.


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