"Must We Always Tell The Truth?" WT Feb.1

by Cellist 16 Replies latest jw friends


    The Watchtower Society IS a lying orgainization. It's hardly surprising that it is full of liars.

    My unfortunate experience of them all is that they love twisting everything, including what you say to them.

    One thing I loathe with a vengeance is lying......so I suppose that explains my feelings about JWs and the WTBTS! (Gill)



  • MidwichCuckoo

    The Bible states that SATAN is the Father of the Lie - lol - they can't see the irony.

  • Cellist

    Wouldn't this article be useful in a court situation? To help show how their WTS sanctioned "theocratic warfare" works?


  • pierogi

    It becomes pretty obvious with this theocratic warfare strategy the society teaches, that they don't trust in God enough to tell the truth. Maybe I just don't know the bible very well, can anyone think of when God said it was alright to lie if that person didn't deserve the truth? If the society thinks so much that they are Jehovah's organization, why wouldn't they say " Always tell the truth. Don't worry, Jehovah will protect us."?

  • OnTheWayOut
    "Moreover, we need to consider whether the person asking for information is entitled to
    a comprehensive answer." Then they go into all sorts of examples to show where it's
    alright to lie. (Such lovers of truth)

    To be totally fair to the article, it doesn't say that it is okay to lie when someone
    is not entitled to the truth. It says "...even in this case, it would have been wrong
    for him to tell a lie."

    It allows the reader to fill in the gaps. They imply that he would withhold information
    to those not deserving it, or perhaps even mislead those who ask for information
    when it is not theirs to ask for. The article is trying to say "always be honest"
    and they say that misleading someone is dishonest, but they imply when it is okay.

    I use their information in my theocratic warfare. The WTS uses deceitful recruiting and
    retention tactics, so when I am asked about my activity, they are not within their rights
    to have the information. I have redefined "Apostate" to be one abandoning TRUTHFUL religion
    for lazy or selfish reasons. This causes the WTS to be apostate, but those who leave it
    are not. They are not leaving for lazy or selfish reasons, or they are not leaving any "truth."
    SO- when asked about my personal activity, I can answer accordingly.

    No, I agree with the WT (There's so much crap out there, some of it is true)
    No. (Only slightly misleading, because I have glanced at the Watchtower, itself)

  • Cellist

    OnTheWayOut, we used Theocratic Warfare when we were fading also. We didn't believe they had a right to the information they were asking for.

    I reread the article and you're right. It implies Theocratic Warfare without actually condoning it. They've always been good at "doublespeak".


  • anewme

    Oh I see where I have erred in life, I always answered with the truth! Thats where I went wrong!
    Stupid me!

    Could have used this article right before my JC!

    Not having read the article myself, I wonder how my black and white thinking, truth hugging, shunning relatives are going to like this article?

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