April 1, 2007 Craptower---All About Obeying 'The Slave'

by Mary 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truthsetsonefree

    An EXCELLENT review.


  • thetrueone

    Nothing more than self promoting propaganda bs, but isn't that the way the got they got started and established ! Thats how most religions maintain themselves Weak insecure men need power and readily lose their ideals trying to achieve it It is for this element of corruption and others that ruined it for me and many others

  • GoingGoingGone

    Great review, Mary!

    I'd love to find my husband's study magazine and make some notes in it...


  • Mary

    Thanks for the compliments everyone.....I just had lunch with my J Dub sister, who I took out for her birthday (she's knows there's nothing wrong with celebrating it). After two glasses of wine I worked up the courage to tell her I am furious with this religion for telling people not to pay into the pension plan, and discouraging us from getting a good education. I told her that I thought the Governing Body were nothing but a bunch of senile old farts and that there's no way they're being directed by God..........She realizes there are alot of problems in the religion but she's happy with her social status so right now she's not willing to leave......

  • mouthy

    Good post Mary.... Excuse me while I go throw up...Better still I am going to climb into the bowl & flush....That is what I feel like doing when I think of all the folks I told they had to follow these bunch of twerps!!!

  • Sacchiel

    Thanks Mary, you focused on the most unsettling aspect of the GB, which is replacing CHRIST himself. Hey isn't that also called the Anti-Christ?

  • blondie

    Mouthy, remember this bit of wisdom I learned when I was going to counseling for growing up in an abusive family. I grew up hearing I caused my parents to do bad things. The counselor would say, "Well, Blondie, if you have the power to make them do bad things, you must have the power to make them do good things. I would think you would be choosing to make them do good things." It took awhile before I understood that she was saying I had neither the power to make people do bad or good, it was their own choice.

    So get out of the toilet, dear. (hug)


  • Borgia

    What a splendid article! Thanks for sharing that, Mary! I just needed that to be able to stay home. I donĀ“t think I can sit through that particular indoc session.....without laughing out loud.

    But in honor of the imposter that has taken the righfull stead of the sons of the house allow me to cite this little gem:

    Pro 30:21-23 LITV (21) The earth quakes under three things; yea, it is not able to bear up under four: (22) Under a servant when he reigns, and a fool when he is filled with food, (23) under a hated one when she is married, under a slave-girl when she is heir to her mistress.


  • Lady Liberty
  • mouthy

    get out of the toilet, dear. (hug)

    Blondie........................I couldnt flush!!!! too big!!!! But I am out.... Thanks Blondie for helping me see the error of my idea ((((HUG)))

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