Bethel Romeos - throwing your daughters at them

by Uzzah 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Uzzah

    It was raised in a comment quoted in the National Post article today:

    On speaking engagements at Kingdom Halls throughout the country, fathers would sometimes even offer up their daughters in marriage to him because of the prestige of his position, he said.

    Have any of the gals here experienced this? Did your parents 'parade you' around visiting Bethelites or try to set you up with them? Any former Bethelites here experience this? I did note that the further away from Bethel you went, the more likely this was to happen.

    When I worked the front desk of Bethel for tours etc I did have fathers/mothers asking me privately if I could get a single brother to be the tour guide since their daughter was in the group (wink wink).

    Is this statement false? I have agreed it is an exageration in that fathers do not literally 'drop off their daughters to be taken away to get married' but what are your experiences surrounding this?

  • JT

    that is how i met my wife

    we had this guy at bethel his name was Lee Waters, he worked in the Writing and service dept

    he was one cool duded, even had a R &B bethel band that played at weddings in NYC-

    his mom was Notrious for trying to set you up with sisters- like many older sisters i knew

    they would try to "Hook up a Brotha"

    i my exp the worst were the little white bro from Iowa or the midwest

    we used to laugh at how those older black sisters manytimes with 2-4 kids would jump on these little naive guys the min they walk thru the hall doors

    they would be lonely and these sister would give them those home cooked meals and before you knew these guys would be living bethel moving to Queens

    hey it can be rough being a single man at bethel

  • blondie

    When I lived near Wallkill, I saw several families that had uprooted themselves from western states and bought a house near there. They invariably had marriageable daughters. They would stay about 3 or 4 years until the last daughter was squared away with a Bethel husband (and they stayed at Bethel as a couple), and they sold up and moved back to where they came from. One family just rented out their old home and rented one near Wallkill.

    There are always brothers and sisters looking for a likely mate for single people they want to fix up. Some function pretty much like yentas.

    It's rough out there when you are an older (over 25) single JW sister.


  • minimus

    Bethelites were always the hot thing! If a girl could land a "Bethelite", she was the envy of the circuit. Most parents that I knew would be thrilled to have their daughter marry a Bethelite. The smart girls never really liked them because they knew many were just plain old phonies. I knew guys that would enter Bethel JUST for that expressed reason---top hook up with a sister. When the Society was looking desperately for able bodied workers, they weren't too choosy and the result was that there were a lot of "worldly minded" Bethelites.

  • jeeprube

    Several families from my area have sent their daughters to the NY area, renting them houses and paying their bills for them so that they could "volunteer" at Bethel. Our obnoxious, abusive PO sent both of his daughters off to keep them away from all the horny JW boys, imagine his surprise when they both got engaged to Bethelites, man was he pissed.

  • stillajwexelder

    Reminds me of the old joke What is the similarity between a cockerel, a person standing in front of the American flag and a girl entering Bethel?

    Answer one says Coc-a-doodle-do ,the other says Yankee doodle do and the other says any-dude 'll do

  • looking_glass
    If a girl could land a "Bethelite", she was the envy of the circuit.

    If that ain't the truth.

    I knew a guy (thru his family) that was at Bethel for years. We all knew that he would never be able to survive in the real world. Well at some point he went to MS school and was sent out to help where the need was greater. And guess what, he found him a wife. One that was way too good for him. She had come in after being in the world. She is a doctor and very well educated and put together. We all wondered how long it would take before she realized that marrying him was like marrying Rainman. She was with him less than 30 days and she bolted. Granted in the eyes of the religion she can never remarry, nor can he. However, he is still looked at like some kind of catch and she is looked at like some kind of Jezebel.

    I often wondered why she was attracted to him, but I figured his C.V. was impressive to a newbie jw.

  • Scully
    I figured his C.V. was impressive to a newbie jw.

    As was hers to a dude with virtually no education and very little hope of having a career outside of Bethel, no doubt.

  • stillajwexelder

    saw a program last night about how some absolute stunning gorgeous women fall for real losers in Holywood and the art world. Some really educated women obviously like "a bit of rough" !!

  • LeslieV

    This is one of the main reasons why I left my elder husband that I have three daughters with. When my oldest turned 12 he was already talking to her about keeping her eye on a spiritual brother..i.e. bethelite, pioneer, elder, CO, or special pioneer. I told him if he didn't stop parading my girls around like ornaments on a caddy I was out of there. Didn't stop....I said, "see you later."


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