A question for the ladies

by JeffT 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ranchette

    Okay your right!I should have said No power tools unless they are sex toys.Ha ha!

    Heres something my hubby did that was very romantic!
    He surprised me with a Lemo ride and took me to see Phantom Of the Opera.

    p.s. It gets better. There was champayne anc chocholats waiting for me in the Lemo.
    We've been married for almost 19 yrs and that was my favorite one so far.

  • Billygoat

    Ranchette - oooh, that IS sexy! Great present! I got POTO tix several years ago from my ex. He brought out this HUGE box for my birthday. I opened it up and it was a black cape with a phantom mask, a single red rose, and the two tickets. Most creative gift I've ever gotten! He told me he'd dress up in the cape and mask after the show. Hmmm...


  • ashitaka

    I like giving my wife a hedge-trimmer and I play a Korn song to get her in the mood.


    "I pray that I may never see the desert again-hear me God."-Robert Bolt

  • Ranchette

    I can't quit laughing!!

    Hang around and get some pointers from us girls.


  • AGuest

    Just jokin', JeffT (peace to you!)...

    Thought I'd throw in a little 'women: who knows WHAT they want?' humor, is all. Thought maybe youse wuz tryin' to get some, you know, secret 'sisterhood' info that only WE know... and YOU all need to find out... you know, without ASKIN' us. I mean, didn't you KNOW that you were supposed to KNOW what we want?

    Again, just kidding.



  • sweetone2377

    Definately something from the heart, doesn't have to be practical. Sure, maybe she needs a new iron, but that will only leave her feeling like the maid. A piece of jewelry, scented bath beads, etc. Something more personal. Take lessons from my DH and don't do what he does.....LOL...like buy her a satelitte dish!

  • Esmeralda

    oooooooo. I agree that the theater thing is very romantic. My husband got us tickets to see Les Mis for Christmas, we had a very romantic outing with dinner and all, my favorite restaurant, of course. :)

    I agree, jewelry is a good thing. I like offbeat, romantic pieces and Red Envelope.com has a lot of them. Also, I collect some different things and my husband keeps up on which items I'm eyeing and they have a way of showing up at holidays/birthdays.

    We had a small wedding, and our wedding dinner at Cinderella's castle in Disney World. For our first anniversary, he came up with the coolest present. He drove 2 hours to a Disney Gallery store far away and got me a crystal sculpture of cinderella and the prince dancing.

    Is it any wonder I'm mad about this man???

    But I digress. All I can say is think about things she likes, then imagine the most romantic application. If she likes poetry, buy her a book by her favorite poet and read from it to her. Music is always good. Roses (unless she's allergic) are never a bad thing.

    All in all IMHO a back rub, a love letter written in your own handwriting, and some dancing in the livingroom go a long way.

    Good luck. She's a lucky woman that you are trying so hard to romance her. She must be a wonderful wife :)


  • Eric


    If/when you are giving her roses, carefully trim off the thorns, to show her that you would never want anything you do to bring her harm...

    But leave just one thorn protruding, to prove you that you know you'll never be perfect.

    Let her notice all this before you explain (it may take several anniversaries and Valentines days).

    Stand ready for an emotional embrace.

    Eric, gardener of Love.

  • ballistic

    Nice to see you're smiling Shelby, at least you come over as a human when you smile.

  • MrMoe

    Before you go (does she know you are going) have note spread here and there - go to fridge - then go to such an such - go to car (with you) - go to such and such motel. When she gets there see if you can prearrange scattered rose petals everywhere - mostly on the bed.

    Give her a really nice foot rub and back massage. No nukie right away - wait a while - even if she begs. Then take a bath - but make sure to soap her up and carress her. TALK. Wait for nukie a bit longer if you can wait until after the romanitic dinner. TALK MORE. After dinner more rubbing and a night of great sex.

    When the sex is over, don't roll over and go to sleep, continue to "please her" and maybe you can get a stiffie again - if so go for another round until SHE wants to stop. You don't have to be giving it to a woman to please her.

    That's all I can think of.

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