Are JW's sexually backwards?

by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • mia_b
    I would say they are more....sexually inside out.

    haha good one bavman

    and nonegiven - i was always led to understand that even oral was a no-no

    maybe all the hetro jw's jumping into bed with each other are all keeping to the missionary position? then altho theyre all fornicating and adultering like mad they are still sexually backwards?

  • stevenyc

    I would agree with Lonelysheep, the position of missionary is their paraMount position. However, let us not forget that while servicing the field, any point of entry should be encouraged. A successful delivery in sowing the seed can be uplifting. After all, that is a happy ending.

    Whilst engaging in fruits of the spirit, entry to the most stubborn territory can be attained with insightful words. Although, on occasion, when the front door is unresponsive, a backdoor entry, for Godly delivery, is appreciated if said spirits are flowing.

    One thing the Jehovah's witnesses are not, is helping outsiders with relief. It's all self gratification. Which, according to their own 'literature', is that "Legend has it that he sought a miraculous SPRING—the Fountain of Youth"(Watchtower November 15, 2004)

    Let us not forget that the Jehovah's Witnesses are adherents to the slave. And slave worship has its motivating benefits. For Jesus said "Blessed are those who are persecuted" (Matt 5:10).

    So, I'd say that, overall the JDub's are as twisted as the rest of us.


  • avidbiblereader

    2 Pet 2:19 Amplified

    19 They promise them liberty, when they themselves are the slaves of depravity and defilement--for by whatever anyone is made inferior or worse or is overcome, to that [person or thing] he is enslaved.

    Titus 1:15 15 Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted.

    Too many rules to allow yourself to have the freedom the Bible promises, you are made to feel bad if not 10 toes up 10 toes down, enslaved to man made rules.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    There are many differnt factors effecting sex in the congergations. These can be anything from the amount of exposure to sexual stimuli. Who are your influences? How seriously do you take the religion? How strong is your sex drive and libido? Everybody fits into the scenario differently regardless of the what the congregation wants to project. Sexually screwed up people can be ones with no confidence due to lack of experience. They can also be ones who feel guilt for the slightest of infractions. Some may be ones who were given no sex education from there family freinds or school and were told to read the youth book for answers. Who is to say what backwards is anyways. Some people listen to advice some don't. Society in general used to be far less intolerant of gays and in victorian times were supposedly prudish. This didn't stop anyone fron doing anything it just went on in private and was driven underground. The Victorians were probably wilder than we think but projected the lady and gentleman images of the times. The victorian prudish image of the hall is just a sham with burning desires and boners in every isle. There is no difference between the hall and a cross section of society, except for a much higher degree of hypocrasy!

  • hamsterbait

    if what the WT spouts from its dark aperture is right, the average Dub is at the beck and call of the crotch.

    FORTUNATELY, other wise there would be nothing happening, until they decided to have a baby in the New World. Then they would do it once, and wait to see if pregnancy resulted.

    With some witnoids, there is more going on between their legs than between their ears - this is why babies continue to be born, despite the shrilling of the dust farting reptiles at Crooklyn.

    I think the GB consider sex to be some thing that is ideally just to keep a cow in milk, or what you get the pigs to do when you need more bacon in the larder.


    And how many young sisters and brothers sat at the Kindumb Hell looking for trouser bulges on the platform?

  • Stealth453


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