Planting seeds of doubt

by Anony-Mouse 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony-Mouse

    Alright, some advice to me is to plant the seeds of doubt.

    Like the bible scripture, I will plant the seeds, and curiosity (not god) will make it grow. Or something similar.

    But I don't know what to do. I've tried it, but none of my comments seem to make people think. It's a lot of "Gee wiz, them meetins' are so boring."

    Since many of you may have gone through this, what is your advice for 'planting the seeds of doubt'?

  • Confession

    I suppose it depends on who you're talking to. If you're being cautious not to out yourself among zealous JWs, you could simply start by making occasional comments that emphasize the importance of "God" instead of "man."

  • blondie

    To plant the right seed, you have to know what kind of soil you are putting it in. That means listening carefully to what the person says about the WTS, the bible, and their place in it.

    Sometimes it is better to ask a question than make a statement. Let them explain it to you and you can guide the conversation through questions.


  • becca1

    One thing I do when someone complains about something in the org. is I ask, does the Bible support that? Let them think about that for awhile...

  • jaguarbass

    If your still going to the meetings, I don't know how effective you will be at casting doubt. I always believe when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Sort of a synchronicity.

    If you are going to meetings and you start casting doubt real well, you might find yourself cast out.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It depends who you are trying to plant them with, though since you are 16 I would think it's your family. Maybe you could tell them you are unsure of certain doctrines, and ask them to review the scriptural evidence of those doctrines with you. As you may know, there ie little, if any, scriptural evidence to support many jw doctrines. Make sure the scriptures are read in context, and preferably without the "aid" of wts publications.

    However you go about it, good luck, I hope you are successful.

  • Ken O
    Ken O

    Hey,I was a JW for oh..17 or 18 years I suppose...from 17 years old to 35 now...I just formally said on January 20th of this year I'm done with them. If you talk with "Spiritually Strong" witnesses, good luck on not getting the "room", a judicial meeting. If you talk with "Weak Ones", then you might get somewhere. They are "weak" in the JW faith for SOME reason. Perhaps they see through all the BS and lies that the WTS has passed down through the years but are, like I was, very afraid to lose their friends and family..basically their whole social and spiritual lives...according to WTS rules. Start with little the UN involvement; The "Anointed" being alleged as Mediators between God and Man instead of Christ..where is that in the bible?...get them to use other bibles besides the NWT...because it's slanted to the WTS views. It's a start. When they start to genuinely ask questions and don't take the blanket "wait on Jehovah" ploy, you might be getting somewhere.

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