I cant please everyone

by Junction-Guy 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Ok, I will explain a little more. I would be cooperating with mean old "Babylon the Great" to help expose the WT Society and its destructive nature towards children. I realize there are many XJW Atheists and Agnostics here, and they are rabidly anti-religion altogether. I still have Christian beliefs and sometimes these can clash with the more secular minded XJW. This is all I can tell you, I dont want to alienate some of my support base here,but like I said earlier some will cheer me, and others will not. If my plan works, "Christendom" in one fashion or another will reach out and expose the WT Society to its very core. There is alot of work in this for me, and will be alot of anxiety along the way, but I will be content with the finished method I choose.

  • Outaservice

    Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!

    Outaservice (beyond ever being offended)

  • Nosferatu

    Dude, I may be atheist, but I have no problem if you use your beliefs and your religion to expose the JWs. Just because I don't believe in god, it doesn't mean I hate people who do. I only hate people who tell me they're better than me because they believe in Jesus.

    I wish you the best of luck in your work. Even though I don't believe in god, I would rather have been raised in a non-cult religion over the JWs. I highly doubt you'll personally offend me.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thank you all. Remember that I care for each and every one of you here, and I dont want to say anything that would hurt you. What im contemplating will take alot of work, wont come easy for me, but end up catching on like wildfire. I think I have discovered a way for me to personally combat the WT Society, and also progress towards my healing.

  • junctions-wife

    I am proud of you dave! I always knew if you put your heart in the right place you could go everywhere. If you ever need anything just give me a call. I will always be on your side for this cause.

    talk to ya later


  • Outaservice

    Remember your thread title, 'I can't please everyone'. So, don't be overly concerned about 'offending' anyone, because it probably is impossible for any of us who have an opinion or belief about doing anything, not step on some toes so-to-speak. We just try to keep it at a minimum and play fair.


  • mouthy

    Amanda that pleases me to see you still care about his work........Keep it up
    JG what ever you do to expose the WT remember they will hit you back. Been there done that.. Still doing it....

  • lonelysheep
    but will probably draw alot of criticism from atheist/agnostic XJW's

    Hehe....do what you've gotta do!

    Warm Athiest Love,

  • junctions-wife

    Thanks Mouthy, Just because we are no longer together it doesn't mean I don't care. In all reallity I do care about this cause. There is children out there who are still getting brianwashed thinking that this is the only religion out there. If you want to call this a religion, How could anybody protect a child molester and not the child call this a religion. I have neices who I would kill for if anything like this would happened to them.



  • lovelylil


    Good luck. You should do what you feel is right to do and don't worry about us. But keep what Mouthy said in mind, because she is right, the WT will fight back. I went through this too. Just strenghten all your defenses before you make a strike against them. Feel free to use whatever means you have to. After all this is a "theocratic warfare". Lilly

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