JW Membership will Self Destruct in...5...4...3...2...

by LovesDubs 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586

    Sir Nose has a good imagination. This is a possible reality as the WTS
    begins it's collapse. Putting it on the heels of a nuclear incident might
    help other posters to see that it could happen.

    If you are so sure that "A" is imminent, and you move to the compounds,
    then "A" is delayed, you don't see a way out so you stay.

    And then, when Armageddon doesn't come and the world moves on like it did after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, THAT's when they bust out the Kool-Aid!

  • OnTheWayOut
    THAT's when they bust out the Kool-Aid!

    I am LOL, but that would not be funny. If something like that happens,
    it'll be after the organization is no longer profitable.

  • DannyHaszard

    The 1990 district convention Providence Rhode Island civic center the program had a major talk with the follow up primary Watchtower study article.

    The topic: "Godly childrearing in the time of the end" the speaker hit on Noah's family's 40 yeras of ark building with no children to distract them.

    The inuenndo,intimation,implication,suggestion,command was to double up on your birth control married couples because THE END IS SOOOOOO CLOSE!

    I was one of several who quit my pension paying job to go out in service.Think of all the woman close to menopause who choose not to have a baby and now they are stuck.

    Curse and God damn you devil watchtower charlatans! Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

  • SirNose586
    I am LOL, but that would not be funny. If something like that happens,
    it'll be after the organization is no longer profitable.

    Absolutely. I figure they'd only try something like what I described if they could see no further way to make money except through selling off real estate. If they could run "tent cities," then they could bring back those days, no problem.

  • DannyHaszard
    While you and I cannot easily see how they would suck people in that deep, we
    can try to imagine doctrine that causes people to give up income and have their
    livelihoods within the circle of JW's. There are already plenty of window washers
    and floor cleaners that depend on the "brothers." Imagine the WTS switching to a
    tax-paying sales group that gets it's members to live at the compound because
    Armageddon is imminent. They would lose millions of people, but perhaps they
    could arrive at this point in some calculated method that minimizes losses.
    Elevate the fear factor, first. Cash in on the next major disaster/terror act.

    The book studies in private homes were originated as a drilled preparation prelude to the imminent gog of magog attack and us all going underground this was during the time of the cold war hysteria and many citizens building bomb shelters.

    The Watchtower will exploit the next apocalyptic scare to it's own advantage.What sucks for dubs is that JW's don't store provisions and assets and the rank and file won't get shit from the clique leadership.

  • LovesDubs

    "The topic: "Godly childrearing in the time of the end" the speaker hit on Noah's family's 40 yeras of ark building with no children to distract them."

    Yeah THATS fair...how long did Noah and his wife live??? Like 478 years??? They could afford to keep it in their pants for 40 years. The rest of us dont HAVE that option.

    I bet theyre kicking themselves in the ass for having made THAT pronouncement. I was pregnant with my second child in 1990 and remember getting crap for it too. "What are you THINKING Sister H!! The END is so near!" Like I got pregnant by myself too. pthththtthttttttt

  • jaguarbass

    When we were in the last days in 1974 my wife had a child, my son. My sisters in law had children. Most of the jw's I knew with operating equipment had children. Living in the last days does not stop most dubs from breeding. That was my observation from Northern Ohio and Centeral Florida during the Last days of the 1975 time period. I am pretty sure those last days ran out as all of the ones of discerable age in 1914 probably are mostly dead by now. I left the organization in 83. What last days are we in now? I often wonder what keeps my in laws going to the meetings. Do they have a date or are these the ambigious last days?

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I hope you are right but some cults have a remarkable ability to survive. They may somehow be able to reinvent themselves, come up with a new hook and keep on culting. They are probably night burning the midnight oil trying to come up with new gimmick to suck people in. They still have a huge unpaid sales force to distribute anything they come up with.

  • uninformed

    Danny, you have a way of saying the right thing at the right time. I am sure glad to know you.

    The 1990 district convention Providence Rhode Island civic center the program had a major talk with the follow up primary Watchtower study article.

    The topic: "Godly childrearing in the time of the end" the speaker hit on Noah's family's 40 yeras of ark building with no children to distract them.

    The inuenndo,intimation,implication,suggestion,command was to double up on your birth control married couples because THE END IS SOOOOOO CLOSE!

    I was one of several who quit my pension paying job to go out in service.Think of all the woman close to menopause who choose not to have a baby and now they are stuck.

    Curse and God damn you devil watchtower charlatans! Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

    Brant Jones, Kansas City, Kansas

  • thetrueone

    The biggest threat right now for the WTS.has to be the information highway which we call the inter-net. Any one that has done a google search on jw's right now can see a

    ton of web sites with information against jw's. They have to be sreening these sites because recently they have had their legal department threaten individuals with law suits.

    Since they have the lawers and the money backing them, the people comply and shut down their web sites. Obviously then they see the information there threating to their creditability and a

    weakening efect to their power base. It's an unusual situation for them now because in the past if anyone had obtained any information that was detrimental there was little means to spread it

    around or they could be at least DF to shut off the tap as it were. Of course they can't shut off the inter-net and the information about them and this is getting to be very unsettling for them.

    Their recent tract stating that all false religions are about to colapse has got me wondering if this wasn't an emotional kickback form stuff on the web ? Maybe.......

    They call it theocratic warfare, but in this case it's war against the truth and the supposable truth.

    But don't think these people at headquarters are going to walk away from this power that easily though remember it's gobal corperation with a billion dollars in assets.

    I do see a weakening in the force in the coming years especially in the north america region with public awareness as it is, will have to wait and see what happens.

    My 2 cents..............

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