If you could kill someone........would you?

by new boy 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new boy
    new boy

    If by just saying the words "YOU ARE DEAD........YOU ARE DEAD.......YOU ARE DEAD"

    That person would be dead and gone.

    And there would be no one who knew what you did.......could you do it?

    I'm afraid for me the answer is no..............and yes that means even someone like Hitler.

    I think I would leave all the killing to Jehovah the "happy God".

  • Confession

    If you find this question engaging, might I recommend a book? "Lullaby" by Chuck Palahniuk (also author of "Fight Club.")

    It makes reference to an African "culling song" which gives just such a power to those who know it. Once it is known, the challenge becomes preventing yourself from using it.

  • crazyblondeb

    I plead the 5th. It might be used against me sometime. Especially since I know good spots in the Red River to loose things.

    I mean things like washers, cars, earrings, etc.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    No. My heart would be broken if someone died because of something I did. I've had some enemies that I have been mad at, but I would never wish death on them by any means. To do so, I would wish their death on their families, children, etc. and I could never do that. If someone was attacking me, yes. But just to give someone death for some petty bullcrap emotional fight would be death to me.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    oooh NO - can you imagine all the successful suicides among Jehovah's Witnesses if we had this kind of "power?" I wonder if ANYBODY in my immediate family would be left.

  • Crumpet

    Well I actually did that once and the person unexpectedly died. He was horrible and while I dont think my cursing worked, if it did I'm glad.

  • Sparkplug

    I think I could take out Hitler without blinking. Someone horrible with open misuse and disrespect for human life. But then...has it not been said that Jehovah just killed a bunch of peeps over what I would think would be small things? I guess it depends on how much you believe the Bible. Because if that were the case...there are some higher powers that may need removed.

    I think perhaps if caught a lot younger, Hitler with the right influence could of been a very different man. IMO. I guess that is for another discussion.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes - I would kill Osama Bin Laden

  • RubaDub

    No, certainly not. I could never kill another person.

    Except, well, now that I think about it ... my neighbor just bought a new diesel pickup and insists on starting it at 5:30 or so in the morning and letting it idle for 10 or 15 minutes next to our bedroom window to let it "warm up."

    If we lived in Minneapolis or Toronto maybe I could understand.

    But this is Miami Florida !!!

    Rub a Dub

  • nicolaou

    I think every human being is capable of killing, it's just that the vast majority never find themselves in the situation where killing another person is the only option. I honestly believe everyone could do it - even those who say they couldn't. Thankfully, as crappy as this world is at times most of us live in areas where civilisation is dominant for most of the time.

    Still, you never know what's around the corner . . .

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