JW members are slowy Awakening!

by Gill 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Will the government help with anything?


    Contact an advisor at your local university or community college. They are a wealth of information.


  • lovelylil


    There are a lot of just faders in my area. The congregation we used to attend has lost about 40% of its members by whole families just fading away. There were also in the last 10 years maybe 5 DF'd, and my hubby and I Da'd. We are considered true apostates so no one even comes near us or our street. But most people just stopped attending meetings but live in our town or moved to the next town and stopped attending meetings. And they just ignore the elders when they call or show up. Like you said, people are awakening and I think that the access to the internet has a lot to do with it.

    Peace, Lilly

  • Balsam

    An Elder who had a son in Bethel told me once 6 years ago that between 75% & 80% of young people leave leave the organization. At the time my 3 sons were elementary & middle school age and he was encouraging me to have realistic expections that at least 2 of my kids and possibly all three would leave the "truth" eventually. At the time I was just shocked. I remember telling my children's father that and he said the Elder was exaggerating and that our boys would never leave. Well they did just that right along with me their MOM. LOL

    Out of our family of 5 only one remained a JW.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    My family is still all in (although my sister is a semi-fader but still a believer). Maybe once I come clean, I'll have a chance to lead them out!! Someone has to be the first to wake up, right??

    Gill, thats a great story and I'm glad that couple has taken steps to plan a future.

  • fullofdoubtnow


    This is really so good to hear, jws planning for a future that they have been told throughout their lives doesn't exist. I guess some of them are more than a little tired of waiting for the wts promises to come true, and want to make something of their lives in this "system" before they get to old to dd so.

    I can well imagine that there will be many jws following this couples' example in the near future, if they aren't doing so already. The wts is slowly but surely losing its' grip on its members, and nothing they can do can stop it happening.

  • bernadette

    A jw guy I'm very proud of, is at present, working fulltime, doing a degree and juggling his ministerial servant activities.

    He has at last realised he needs his education. Mybe he'll drop the ms bit soon - here's hoping

    thanks for sharing that exp

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Like Gary said there was no hope for those of other generations to pusue there intersts without condemnation. I myself, find it very difficult to sit back and take my lumps. Things that were damn near the word of god applied to us and now it just changes. Poof! I find that very hard to stomach. How am I supposed to take that. How would anyone feel if they know they're full intelligence and potential have been wasted and then have to accept mediocraty, while watching everyone else dance circles around them? Time on the clock is running out for us simply because we wern't born at the right time when the governing body had there little epiphany. My life isn't over yet, but I feel great anguish over the lost time. In the end I blame the governing body and God. They're policy was soooo stupid, it was like creating a brain drain for there own co. I guess, their fear of people actually getting smart on their asses, actually overode there desire for talent. Funny thing is, for them in their closed circle, there was never a brain drain because their best talents have always been sent to law school and various other specialized talents have always been welcomed. It just goes to show you that there real intent was the betterment of the company over the betterment of the people. I don't know why I never saw that as clearly as I do now. God I hate those geriatric pricks.


    Gill, as you said - the WTBTS is slowly bleeding to death.

    As the Society don't believe in blood transfusions, let's hope this is quick and terminal


  • OnTheWayOut

    This is great news.

    I have actually always known genuine JW window washers, and there
    have been many. Others cleaned carpets, scrubbed floors, a variety of
    those professions. I learned the floor and carpet trade from a brother
    after I was recruited. I eventually got tired of working nights and got
    a real trade. My faithful JW wife (faithful to me and to them) got a
    master's degree while it was okay to get an education within the
    Chicken Little Cult. Your post is true. Many are slowly awakening.
    There will be many more. Get ready for them.

  • Gordy

    This got me thinking about my family and others I knew also.

    Out of my own family of 9 only my wife and two daughters are still JW's.

    My wifes brother, and his wife, stopped going ages ago, I found out.

    Every so often I get word that so-snd-so has stopped going to the KH.

    The book group I used to attend, used to have 20-25 , now only has 8-10 attend.

    Elders have resigned in my old congregation.

    It was recently posted that the number of Elders in USA had droped by 35% since 1994. I wonder if the same has happened in Britain.

    The sister congregation that shares the KH with my old one has dropped in number by about at least 50% I believe. There is talk that the two will combine to make one congregation again. After having split about 20 years ago because the "growth" was so big and we built a new KH ready for it. Now they are lucky to half fill it.

    Twelve were baptised at one circuit assembly last year, the oldest being 16, the average age 14.

    Major doctrines, like Blood are becoming unsustainable. It has been watered down through the years. They now have people so confused as to what they can have in the way of blood fractions.

    We all know through what we hear and know that the Watchtower is hitting a bad time. They control and fear they used to have over members is no longer working.

    Even disfellowshipping no longer hold the fear it did. Because now there are so many ex-JW's out there a person no longer feels alone. Again the Internet has played a big part in the support ithas given to such ones.

    No wonder the WT is trying to scare its members by "hinting" that the end is very near. The "Matt 24:14 fulfilled" talk we have heard by the Brooklyn Bethel brother. He damn well knew what he was doing and I'm sure Brooklyn did as well.

    We know what JW's are like give a hint that the end is near and they practically have the day marked on their calendars.

    At one time they could rely on the children following the parents into the WT. The trouble is that the the Governing Body is now dealing with a different generation. Its a generation that is being bombarded with information about the JW's, like never before.

    Yes JW's are Awakening to the fact that the WT can't really do a damn thing about it if they leave.

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