Are all those "minor prophet" books relevant today?

by becca1 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpheta

    The thing about the so-called "minor" prophets - if you take the time to read them, everything they say could be aptly applied to the WTBTS.

    No wonder the Writing Department and Legal Department pick and choose - very carefully - just WHAT parts of the minor prophets are used.

    It's a big fricking joke!

  • abbagail

    "the big profits" - LOL. ;-)

    As for the handful of books written by the Minor Prophets... absolutely, they are STILL revelant, but absolutely NOT in the way the WT interprets them. Forget EVERYTHING said by the WT about the Bible and prophecy, period.

    That's the first step.

    The second step is to then throw out "replacement theology" which is an erroneous doctrine taught by the WT AND a good portion of Christendom. Replacement Theology replaces Israel (in scripture) with the Church, or in the case of the JWs, Israel became the WT-org; and said theology also replaces Jerusalem (in scripture) with Heaven, which is also a huge lie.

    After steps one and two, it will now be clear that Israel still means Israel, and Jerusalem still means Jerusalem.
    And, therefore, all prophecies in the "Major Prophets" as well as the "Minor Prophets" STILL APPLY TO ISRAEL and WILL be fulfilled in connection WITH ISRAEL.

    It's very simple, really.

    The Minor Prophets are chock full of prophecies about the Tribulation, a/k/a "the Time of Jacob's Trouble" (Jer. 30:7) which applies to literal Israel.

    Joel and Zechariah are especially fascinating re: the last days/Tribulation. When you read them, just keep in mind the above facts about WHO SPECIFICALLY they are written to/for.

    The "last days" ("latter days" in Daniel) refers to the seven-year tribulation. Everything will occur during that time frame, and it ALL CENTERS around literal ISRAEL. Always has, always will.

    (You can find all admonition for the Christian church in Paul's epistles, from Romans thru Philemon. Everything else in the Bible applies to literal Israel, then and now, ie, what hasn't happened yet applies to now and the not-so-distant future).

    Piece of cake!


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