by badboy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    What's your take on Ray Franz?

  • Dismembered

    1. What's with this no more watchtower and awake subscription bullshit? We were told for years that they were the best magazines in the world.

    2. When is some one with some balls going to get rid of that tyrant PO in XXXXX congregation?


  • Blueblades

    How come you have never called a meeting to gather together all of the 8,000 or so other members of the body of Christ's brothers, the remnant left here on earth? So, you could talk and collect each others thoughts on what the Lord is saying to each one of you, not just your own small governing Body members? How come you never consulted with the full number of anointed ones left here on earth?


  • sspo

    Do you truly beleive all the crap that you are forcing others to accept.

  • grissom6471

    What can we do to get after apostates and opposers more.

  • yaddayadda

    Which of your own teachings do you have doubts about and why?!!

  • restrangled

    How does it feel to be close to your dieing day, and not see what you predicted coming true. Have any guilt feelings or are you so self absorbed it doesn't matter?

    How does it feel to know that 2 generations in my family have died waiting for the promises you made and you failed and are about to fail for the 3rd generation.

    How does it feel to know that my generation got out because of your lies? How does it feel to have your lies all over the internet for the world to see? Never thought these statements would be so exposed,....did you?

    Are you ashamed, are you embarrassed, or are you hiding in your ivory tower paid for by the people you deceived?

    For shame, all of you.


  • avidbiblereader

    When did you know deep down that you don't have all the answers and the truth? And how can you keep going with it?


  • pobthespazz

    Why through the pages of the WT you constantly ridicule , chastise, criticize, and chide the churches of Christendom? but you so firmly and arrogantly refuse to accept any criticism directed to yourselves?

    Why the cover up of the Silentlambs scandal?

    Where does all the cash go?

    Why the draconian adherence to the Blood Issue?

    Why the cover up of the 2 homosexual scandals amongst your own ranks? Yet those who questioned any small doctrinal matters were and are still hauled through judicial hearings?

    Why the double standard with your own brothers in Malawi/Mexico?

    Why the lies? Why the lies? Why the lies?

  • ErEf

    You all get so very old, is that because you laugh a lot?

    Every time you of the GB have a private meeting it's just two hours of laughing and crying tears of joy with what you can come up with the next month? Laughing is healthy they say.

    hahahaha.. Ted.. shall we instruct the old and disabled pubs that even when they think about preaching in the good old days they may write 15 minutes?

    hahaha.. John ... hillarious

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