I missed all of my sister's 20's

by Crumpet 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Crumpet

    Brookie - Mr C has a name for girl's like you - he'd say you're "One Plucky Girl".

    Thanks hon! x

  • whyamihere
    Brookie - Mr C has a name for girl's like you - he'd say you're "One Plucky Girl".

    Oh how I wish, I knew Brit terms...lol. Tell the bloke thanks!(I think..lol)

    Hugs and Kisses!

  • MinisterAmos

    Looks like that corral holds a couple a big hosses!

    Cowboy available for taming 'em.

  • lonelysheep


    I'm so sorry, Nina.


  • Crumpet

    I think I see at least 3 grounds for disfellowshipping in Brook's avatar! Bad Girl!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I'm so sorry, Crumpet. I know how you feel. This sucks. And it's not right.

  • onlycurious

    I am so sorry to hear your story. They are the ones who are really missing out.

  • anewme

    Yeah it hits me hard too at times, especially at night when I should be sleeping. Dreams dreams dreams all the time of people who have been ripped from me due to the extreme shunning laws.

    I watch movies where families learn to accept each other's differences and choices and I wish mine were like that.

    The morning comes and the rooster crows that it is a new day and all I can do is try find peace in my new life in exile.


  • rowan

    (((((Crumpet)))) It's sad you've missed out on that. She also missed being part of your life. and what I think is even sadder: her spending her twenties inside the borg, like she's missing out on her own life. well, just a thought. Hang in there, what can I tell you.

  • Rooster

    One of my brothers is an elder and we don't speak.. I will call him now and then to make sure he is doing well. Other then that he never makes any effort to talk with me. I think that active members of the sect/cult are happy because they are following all of the rules. Sorry about the lost life and love Crumpet!!!

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