~ Poem: For WOMEN only~

by FlyingHighNow 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Men may not not appreciate this, but I have a hunch a few of you women will. Feel free to disuss:

    A Woman's Poem
    He didn't like the casserole
    And he didn't like my cake.
    He said my biscuits were too hard...
    Not like his mother used to make.
    I didn't perk the coffee right
    He didn't like the stew,
    I didn't mend his socks
    The way his mother used to do.
    I pondered for an answer
    I was looking for a clue.
    Then I turned around and smacked the shit out of him...
    Like his mama used to do.

  • ButtLight

    LMAO, now aint that the truth!

  • AuldSoul

    Nyah-nyah-nyah-nah-nyah! I read it!

    [runs to avoid getting the sh*t smacked out of me...]

  • daystar

    man-haters... pfft...

    Don't blame the man if you can't cook worth a damn. I suppose you expect him to lie about it?

    I appreciate this about as much as I appreciate any mysoginistic crap, none at all.

  • FlyingHighNow

    He he, Daystar. Nag, nag, nag.

  • daystar

    Yeah, yeah...

  • ButtLight


    Go sit back on the couch, put your hand in your pants, drink your beer, burp, and yell, "when is dinner going to be ready!!!"

  • daystar

    Go sit back on the couch, put your hand in your pants, drink your beer, burp, and yell, "when is dinner going to be ready!!!"

    LOL! If only I had that luxury.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm a good cook which hubby appreciates but there's other stuff that he wants me to do like his mama (yeah the one who used to beat the hell out of him - go figure ). Maybe one day he'll get it through his head that I'm not his mama nor do I want to be his mama (maybe I should start beating the hell out of him)

  • cyrus

    Its ur own fault u married the pussy whipped mamas boy .U should have married a real man who didnt need u do do that shit for him .someone who took u to bed and makes ur toes curl eh

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