More thoughts on Satan the Devil

by lovelylil 82 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lovelylil



    This Q: why would God create anything that had the potential for evil? since no answer I try to give will satisfy most people, you will have to ask God why. Lilly

  • lovelylil

    I want to add that for believers, we understand God's plan to save the world from the present state of affairs. For unbelievers no matter how much we try to give you an answer, you will not accept it. Becuase the answer has God in it. And you reject him.

    Man can only see things from his limited scope of view. We see the suffering around us and it seems it will go on forever. But for believers we know it will not. And the real life the Bible speaks about will come and once it does and we are living an eternity in it, this little blip of a timespan of mankinds suffering will not even be remembered.


    I did address your 2nd scenario by saying you have the wrong view. In a way, you are blaming God for the fact that mankind is being allowed to excercise his free will, that Adam and Eve and man today wants, and THEY themselves are choosing the evil things to do. We get sick and eventually die due to Adamic sin, but no one HAS to live an evil life. When all is said and done, mankind will learn this lesson; living independent of God we have sickness, death, mass human suffering. We could not learn this "lesson" if we had never experienced this present life.

    I think because I understand God's total plan and believe it, I realize I don't have all the answers and will not at this time, but that is o.k. and it does not affect my relationship with God for I trust that he will work all things out for the greater good of humanity. Lilly

  • Terry

    Why create this concept called "justice" that requires billions of innocent people to suffer for thousands of years? Couldn't he have picked a less painful way to make his point?

    In Philosophy this is called "The Best of All Possible Worlds" argument and it is a good one.

    If God can do anything and what he does is "good" and the very best thing which can be done--the existence of this world should be the greatest and most precise measure of his "goodness" and fitness to be worshipped.

    As it exists the world as we know it (and others who have known it in the past) requires considerable explanation, argument, debate and storytelling genius to begin to repair the damage done to God's "good" reputation.

  • Terry
    We simply die because of this sin.

    Why do babies die?

  • Terry
    mankind is being allowed to excercise his free will

    Man has "free" will? Are we free to choose our parents, our DNA, our country of birth, our heritage? Are we free to be talented, strong, tall and rich? Are we free to be God? Are we free to chose the level of our own intelligence and understanding?

    Such "freedom" as you cite is meaningless in terms of God punishing us for exercising such an impotent and irrelevent freedom!

    Chipmunks make chipmunk choices. Horses make horse choices. People make people choices. We are all locked in to our own nature. We cannot choose if and when to become hungry, thirsty or sexually aroused. This nature is implanted within our very being by forces beyond our measure or control.

    In the God vs Man scenario we are effete and quivering nothings because God MADE US that way. Choice and Free will are silly and unthinking arguments.

  • lovelylil


    Thank you for trying to bestow your great intellectual knowlege on me; a mere puny, childlike, unthinking, foolish believer in God who is living in a fantasy world. At least you tried in all your greatness to explain the obvious to me, which is that God does not exist and at the end of this life, we will forever be gone into the dust. So then I guess, there is no greater purpose than to "eat, drink, and be merry, for tomarrow we shall die?" What a joy this knowlege must give you in your life!

    Again, I appreciate you trying to teach me this great truth. But alas, since I am still too delusional to understand what you are saying, and do not possess your great intellect, I will unfortunately have to end the conversation here, and go back and join with all the millions of other believers who personally experienced what you believe to be a figmant of our imagination or an invention to make ourselves feel better in this life. Peace, Lilly

  • agapa37

    WOW lil, what a tongue lashing! You are my hero!

  • Golf

    He better be real otherwise I am living a delusional life! As I stated before, I don't care what people believe in, I'm entitled to my beliefs. To try and discredit my beliefs tantamounts to one ACTING as my guidance counselor, bull!

    We have free will in that we decide what's in our best interest. I will side with the belief that there's a Creator and he knows what he's doing even though to us imperfect creatures he doesn't. The earth and mankind has been on earth for thousands of years, what do we have, 70-100 years? How many people have come and gone not believing in a Creator or the devil? How many more will go?

    The devil is as real as the wind that we can feel and not see!


  • lovelylil


    I agree we have the right to believe what we want to. And that is why if someone says they don't believe in God or the Bible, I don't go onto their threads and try to prove to them that they are acting like a delusional child of limited intellect for believeing what they do. I just ask for a little of the same respect that is all.

    Granted this is a public forum but we all don't have to get into every conversation and make it into the God exists/does not exist debate. This thread was started to simply discuss views on Satan, not God himself. So an appropriate response, would be like yours, to simply say you do not believe he exists. Instead the whole topic got turned into the big God debate again.

    While I don't mind people asking honest Q's like that of Sir, I refuse to keep discussing with so called grown, intellectual beings that resort to insinuating somehow I am not as intelligent as they are, or that I am superstitous or delusional and that my beliefs are a figmant of my own imagination. Anyway, none of this is being directly stated about you.

    Thanks for your input! Lilly

  • kid-A

    This Q: why would God create anything that had the potential for evil?

    Because he created us in his image and endowed us with a measure of all his qualities.

    > Lil, if this premise is true, and god created ALL phenomena within the universe and indeed, the universe itself, then clearly, evil comes from god. If this is not true, you would have to argue that evil existed BEFORE god, and if god, by his own definition is the "alpha and the omega", then this would be a logical contradiction.

    Second, if, as you state, god created us in his image, then "evil" must be a subcomponent of god, and therefore, god is clearly capable of evil (according to whatever definition of evil one cares to use). Even if god chooses NOT to be evil, it is irrelevant. HE is ultimately responsible for his creation (the universe and all within it) and that must, by logical necessity, INCLUDE evil and/or the capacity for evil. Now, if this is true than by definition, god cannot be perfect, since part of him/her/it is indeed, EVIL, correct? Which begs the question, why should imperfect humans, worship an imperfect god?????

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