Letter from Mom...

by Odrade 66 Replies latest members private

  • Crumpet

    Hi Odrade

    I read your mom's letter and your reply last night. Like Sassy it could have been a letter from my mother too - not that she bothers to write, but this uniformity and impersonality of phraseology in the way our parents address us is all symptomatic of their brainwashing. Where else in the world would mothers all talk to their duaghters with the same stepford-level of dispassion and detachment?

    I did read your mother's again (and again) and felt towards the end she was genuinely allowing some of her real confusion and bewilderment to come through, although it still was like a Society-template in so many ways. There's so little personality or warmth in these letters from family because they aren't really from them - they are from the "christ-like personality" they believe they have put on - not realising that if anything what they are doing is a direct perversion of nearly all Christ's teachings.

    I think your letter in response addresses this beautifully Odrade. I too, like someone before me, plan to bookmark this because your letter covers everything she asks and more in such a loving and patient way and if I believed in Christ would say it epitomised the love he demonstrated with no superiority, no anger, no insincerity - with which we all know the organisation is riddled with. I found your reply very touching, very touching in deed and wish I were as capable of collecting my thoughts in such an orderly fashion. I think it must help you a lot to have a hubby coming from the same place that you can discuss this with when you need to.

    I hope your mother responds when you do choose to send this. Maybe you should not send it though until a few days after her return. She'll be doubtless expecting and possibly dreading a response from you on her return home - perhaps it has been prompted by this January watchtower drive to cut off all non believing family members (for thats what it amounts to). Would she feel after your letter that she has to severe all ties with you completely do you think? She clearly expects that your reply may be a "no-turning back moment".

    Not to be mean - but I did giggle at her assumptions about astrology and your reply. Maybe it was a little stern when you asked why she would make that assumption... we know that JWs always assume the worst in anyone or any event that is outside the borg. However it is a question she should ask herself. My mother used to make these random assumptions too and they were often very cruel and upsetting to me as a child. But thats another story..

    Overall - I applaud you and your reply.


  • LennyinBluemont

    Hi again, Odrade. I agree with you that it would be a bit much to add several pages to discuss the lack of scriptural evidence for the disfellowshipping doctrine. Just to clarify, that isn't what I had in mind. Only a short paragraph would suffice to show the lack of scriptural support. Something like:

    I was surprised to read in 2 John, where the Watchtower lifts the verse about "never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him" (vs. 10), that the context, beginning in verse 7 is specifically and exclusively addressing those who were antichrists, not confessing Jesus as coming in the flesh. John makes no mention of applying this harsh treatment to those guilty of a lapse into immorality or drunkeness, for example. And nowhere in the scriptures does it direct us to punish others by shunning them, simply because they may have honest differences with us in their understanding of certain principles, particularly where the scriptures are silent. And yet that is how we have been treated, because the Watchtower directs its followers to behave in this way.

    That's all I had in mind. But hey, you know your mom much better than we do. In any case, she will probably read between the lines and sense the love of a daughter who really cares about her. That's what we are all hoping for, anyway. Be well.


  • LovesDubs

    I have to think, that if this is indeed the last opportunity you will have to say any of this...that you dont pull punches for fear of boring her or saying "too much" you know?

    It could be that something that you say will be the straw for her. Will give her pause. Will echo in her mind in her quiet moments. I see that you have read it and read it and got out of bed and read it again. Trust your instincts and what your heart said to write. If you take anything out now...later you will be saying Damn! I should have left that in there!


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Wow, Odrade, excellent letter, I saved it because it is so well done and reflects in many ways how I feel too. I hope everything goes well for you and I am very proud of you (for whatever that is worth!) that you are doing this. I know this is so hard. I'm so sorry for your pain, for all of our pain. It's just so blatantly wrong. Your response letter is so logical and heartfelt.


  • blondie

    Odrade, good letter. Even if your mother doesn't change now, I find it hard to believe that her thinking will stay the same. No matter how hard she tries to put your comments out of her mind, I'm sure she will keep revisiting many of them.

    I said my piece some years ago to my mother. But she is a woman who lived with her abuser and the abuser of her children without leaving. It is no surprise that she stays in an abusive organization.

    Your experience with that sister and the lack of action is so sad but it illustrates why we finally left, the lying, the lying, the lying. To me trust is so important having been betrayed by both my parents.

    So many JWs are being manipulated again....THE END IS COMING again.


  • Narkissos
    Both the comments are noted about leaving out the "cross" comment. I'm wavering on that one. I put it in there because it was such a critical issue for me.

    In that case you might as well make it clearer that (and why) it was an important issue to you. Perhaps that would require some more development about the shocking misrepresentation of historical evidence, especially ancient authors including the Church Fathers, in the WT literature. But this, of course, would make the letter considerably longer.

    I thought about putting in some scriptural refutation of the disfellowshipping policies, but that added several more pages, and I started to bog down in minutiae. Then I thought that it is their doctrine, so let the burden of proof be upon them.

    Good point.

    I'm particularly sensitive to the point LennyinB. made, as I happened to be df'd on the grounds of 2 John 9-11, while the only thing the judicial committee could blame me for was not "going beyond Christ's teaching" as the WT does... that was the exact point I made in my appeal letter -- to no avail of course.

  • SixofNine

    Really, really good letter Odrade. Except for what I know about JW's, I'd say it would have to open her eyes.

  • Gretchen956

    Wow. I'm late for work from reading this thread this morning. Great letter to your mom, long letters are not always bad you know. This may be the last letter your mom will ever read from you. You made it one that she will be unable to forget. Hopefully some of this will stick. I know how hard it is not to just throw it all in there, all the doctrinal stuff, because you won't get another chance. But I think you hit just the right points to make her think, if she will allow herself to do that.

    Please post the developments when they come back from vacation, I'd like to hear her response.


  • ChristianObserver

    What a great letter, Odrade. As an outsider reading it, I agree with Crumpet that maybe your final sentence in the astrology paragraph comes across as a little stern and I should hate for that to put your mother's back up before she gets to the real nitty-gritty of the letter. The sentiment you express is valid of course, but might come across better in a face to face meeting rather than in print. I was struck by this in your mother's letter: "I noticed when (brother) said the prayer that you didn’t close your eyes and say Amen" Your mother must have had her eyes open too at some point! I hope that your letter encourages her to open them a little bit further.

  • bythesea

    Great letter, I hope it will jar her some...and I can't imagine her not thinking about many of your observations. In her quiet moments she is sure to ponder over some of what you related. It was very heartfelt, and you confirmed your love for your family; she will recognize that and hopefully it will allow her to give some consideration to things you said.

    This is the type of letter I'd love to be able to give to my kids....

    Please let us know how she responds...

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