Letter from Mom...

by Odrade 66 Replies latest members private

  • joannadandy

    Thanks for the BTT Confession -- I've never read this.

    All I can say is I knew there was a reason I so respected that Odrade chick.

    I dread the day I may get pressed by parents for more definative answers on why I left. I can only hope I'll be able to pen something as well reasoned and honest. I was nodding my head through most of it and seriously wanted to cheer at some parts with, "Oh my god! Yes exactly!!"

    Mad props...mad props...

  • wanderlustguy

    Awesome reply letter!
  • Bryan

    Marking for a later read.



  • FreedomFrog

    I'm marking this so I can reread it. It may help with my family. They don't call, I don't call but still have that "unfinished" business about it lingering on. Maybe I can get some ideas on what I can send to my parents from your letter.

    Great letter btw!

  • Aphrodite

    This is an awesome reply letter. Id love to send something along these lines to my mum.

    I wonder what the rusults of this was?

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Unbelievable! I spent all this time reading this thread and only at the END did I see it was from last year! I can't see anymore.

    Anyway, I thought it was a powerful response letter Odrade. Did it get sent?

  • Odrade

    Holy Crap. No the letter still has not been given, and I can't believe it has been a year. My mom came home from her vacation, nearly three weeks after sending the letter (remember she mailed it from the airport as she was leaving for a 3 week vacation,) and more or less pretended like it hadn't happened, and acted as though she was fearful of talking with me. She indicated that she had sent me a postcard, not a word about the letter.

    So I held onto it (both hers and mine,) realizing that at some point, she will make the same queries, and I can answer her. I really want to pick my time wisely; she has been told that she should ask only if she really wants to know, because I would tell her the truth. I don't want to bludgeon her with my reasons, since she is such a fanatic for Jehovah (WT) that I really don't think it will change things for her.

    My response is still here in my desk, relatively unchanged, waiting for the next time she asks. I know she will... it's only a matter of time. The other day we were shopping, and she was trying to lead up to her "questions" then. She warmed up by preaching to me for a few minutes, then lost her nerve. LOL! I suppose it will be another letter...

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    This is certainly an interesting thread then!

    Now let's see, it's been a year and with the WT updates, changes, etc. in the past year, I'd say you've got at least an additional four pages of writing to do. lol

  • juni

    Maybe I'm wrong about your mom's sincerity, but it sounds to me like she is in the religion cause she BELIEVES it. She also loves you very much. She's torn. I know it sucks ass, but try to understand.... she believes that the only way you'll stay alive is to be a JW. If you can enjoy an adult to adult relationship w/her w/o being preached to I'd go w/that. Respect that you can't change her and she has to respect you also in the same way if there's to be any sort of relationship.

  • Odrade

    Thanks juni. I'm not struggling with this, really. It has been a long time since I felt the desire to push the issue. I guess that's why when she wanted to pretend she hadn't sent anything last winter, I was satisfied to let her. It does make me sad that she believes I'm on a death sentence, but ultimately that is her choice. The only thing I have any control over is treating her with respect as a person when she talks about her religion, and answering honestly if she ever demands an explanation.

    She is a believer. Fanatically. Nothing I could ever say would make her stop preaching to me. But I don't get too worked up about it anymore. There are no children in this house for her to scare, and I'm a big girl who can still talk to my mother even if she tells me that the end is coming soon. LOL!

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