My JW elderly aunt just called me..........

by Mulan 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mulan

    She lives thousands of miles away from me, and called me now to tell me how much she loves me and misses me, and she started crying, and could hardly get out the words, about the WT study for tomorrow. She begged me to go to the meeting and hear the information, so I compromised with her and told her I would get a copy of the magazine and read it.

    I felt so badly for her. We were always very close, and her daughter, my late cousin Sharon, who died in 2001, was my closest friend in my life. My aunt, who was always like another mother to me, is the only one of my father's family still alive, and she is 84 this month.

    She told me she will be so hurt and disappointed if we aren't all together in the new world. (can't remember her word for it) She finally had to hang up she was so emotional.

    So, GREAT, I have to read a WT. I'll do it, for her sake, and then what? She won't listen when I've tried to explain why we left the WTS, and she still thinks we just got tired of waiting for the end.

  • mrsjones5

    Poor auntie...geez I feel bad for her. She sounds sweet and loves you very much. Damn bOrg!

    I wonder which wt article it is?


  • codeblue


    That is possibly her life...the JW's.......and I do think she loves you. She is up in years......nothing wrong with playing with reading the WT...they are much too old to change (like NOdenial's dad)...why take her hope away?

    Reassure her you LOVE Her...maybe at her old age she just needs that. I am sure at her congregation she is NOT getting the real love she needs. It's all so sad.

    I wished my MOM never heard of JW"s (she died when I was 14 and my life is full of no relatives now...and empty)...and my life would be more sane. But showing your aunt you love her unconditionally is what she needs.


  • onacruse

    I presume we're talking about the Dec. 15th issue???

  • Cellist

    That is a very hard situation to be in, Mulan. It's so hard to deal with the JWs who are truly sincere. Especially the elderly ones who are mentally still in a different decade when the JWs had a glimmering of love amongst themselves.

    What's in the study article that got her so worked up?

    Best wishes,

  • Odrade

    Seems this new magazine has quite a few worked up. My mother wrote me a "why" letter this week, complete with the obligatory "this world is on a downhill road to destruction" and "you know better!". I'm thinking about posting it and my response, although I don't know why or what good it will do. Stupid watchtower.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Maybe there will be some points in Blondie's review that you can pick out and talk to her about them (in a nice roundabout way).


  • Mulan
    My mother wrote me a "why" letter this week, complete with the obligatory "this world is on a downhill road to destruction" and "you know better!". I'm thinking about posting it and my response, although I don't know why or what good it will do. Stupid watchtower.

    That was kind of the gist of what she said on the phone too. She also said that "Jehovah isn't late, and it will happen". She moved to San Diego from here, a few years ago, so her son and grandsons could help her as she got older and more infirm, so I know she misses me too.

    She was so emotional, I didn't want to give her a heart attack.

    I called my JW friend to get a copy of that WT, and she said "why, it's just the same old 'time of the end' stuff". But she is dropping off a copy on her way to the meeting today.

  • blondie

    The article is in my review this week. It is the same old crap but combine it with the End of Religion tract and this new yeartext, some JWs could wishfully hope the end is near, and the older JWs are the most hopeful.

  • kerj2leev

    So can she count that as RV?

    Sorry to hear about your Aunt! My mom last week did the same thing to me, it was the first time I really told her how I feel about the organization. And it was my first time experiencing the mind numbing control the org. has over its people!

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