How did the "Truth" set YOU free ?

by JH 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad

    Thank you for such a caring reply, Vinnie! I'm ready! I get sarcastic when people just want to pretend & insult! NOTHING is more important than truth- yet many times it's very painful. Agape, Mad

  • greendawn

    I thought I was freed (being with God's own people that were morally clean and separate from the world and about to enter into the promised new world system under the guidance of the most reverent and heroic FDS) but in fact had a vague feeling of being oppressed. In the end the JW society proved a disappointment cold, unloving, materialistic very similar to the world in many respects. Then all the doctrinal errors became obvious.

  • Confession

    I believed it was The Truth... But I do remember feeling as if being completely truthful was often difficult. There were questions we couldn't really ask without glares and scrutiny. Ultimately my expressions of uncertainty that confession to congregation elders was a scriptural mandate to being forgiven by Jehovah was the deciding element in my being disfellowshipped. These expressions were only made in confidence to elders; not as if I were spreading the notion. I really wasn't sure. I admitted my confusion by stating, "Maybe you can help me, brothers..." This was found unacceptable, since I'd previously served as an elder, and suggesting such a thing was shocking to them. Where was "freedom" in this type of "Truth"?

    Later, after playing the game, I was reinstated, but while still DFd, the chairman of that committee (a friend) phoned me privately. In that conversation he encouraged me to stop bringing up the subject of confession--even though a couple of years previous he'd admitted to being confused about it himself!

    I recall that the Society's explanations of "freedom" were unsatisfying to me. "Freedom from Babylonish doctrines?" Give me a break. Did they really think that was the freedom Jesus was describing? I privately felt this was a pathetic stretch... Why not "Freedom from a public passing of the collection plate?" "Freedom from women having any say in matters?" "Freedom from not knocking on strangers' doors every chance you can?" "Freedom from the harsh reality of using your mind?" Sheesh...

  • exwitless

    It freed me of a lot of my time and money.


    As I look back, it's hard to grasp how we didn't see the prison gate slamming shut right in front of our faces when we were first assimilated. They took away our love of music, our friends, our hobbies, our good family relationships, holidays, a normal wedding ceremony, MONEY, energy, good paying jobs, I could go on and on. And what did they replace it with? Guilt, control, lies, innuendos, shallow "friends" who never really were, "counsel" for the dumbest things, unfeeling and unsympathetic elders, CO's, DO's, guilt for our seeking medical care for our son who needed surgery at a place supposedly "notorious" for obtaining court-ordered blood transfusions. Again I could go on.

    The REAL truth set us free, and that is that the WTS is nothing but a high control group exacting absolute obedience, even if they said to jump off a cliff. In fact if they said to jump off a certain cliff, I'm positive that most JW's would go find an even higher one just to show how obedient they are.

  • lesterd

    One must first ask "What is truth?". To me is a level of knowledge and understanding. All things in the Bible are only tutors to teach us the level Christ wants us to achieve, and trust me the borg does not want you to achieve that level, that is why they spoon feed you table scrapes and not real meat, probably why they want to keep half of the WT "secret", that way they can lie to the R/F and not have the world take note of it.

    Knowing the truth is living it, adopting it as your lifes purpose, learning the mind of God, thinking like HIM. The borg can not have that because it frees one from the bonds of ritutalist, organized relegion, it fress one to think, open up ones mind and heart and be moved, used by spirit and truth. Truth is the simplist from of being.

    The borg is an elementry teacher, one that can and should be out grown. Even the Bibles teaching is rudimentry, intended to bring one to the complete truth and knowledge and into the glory of God. All this knowledge expands our limits to transend the fundimentals freeing us of ridged guildlines, which anyone can follow and not have a good heart, or good motives. You can walk the striagth and narrow with out fences or walls because the truth is yours....and it has set you free.

  • Mad

  • Confession

    Mad, I noted your comments...

    Quit focusing on men- and focus on our God! Look at the corruption, phonies & stupid teachings that kept surfacing in Israel & the Christian congregations of old...

    I think you'll find those ex-JWs who practice Christianity have primarily done just what you're suggesting they do. They've stopped focusing on men--and started focusing on God & Christ. I'm pleased to read of your openmindedness; it's to be applauded. If you continue to give yourself permission to consider all of the information regarding the WTS, I think you'll find that it itself demands that adherents 'focus on men.'

    While the Bible identifies a line of headship from Jehovah to Jesus to man to woman, the WTS inserts a human agency in between Jesus and man. Ask yourself: If you are truly following their teachings, can you receive God's approval without recognizing the authority of "men" of the Watchtower Society?

    I know your mind may move in the direction of some of the Biblical comments about being obedient to "those taking the lead among you." But when you closely consider the Bible, you also see strong admonition not to 'put your trust in earthling man.' While "those taking the lead" may have asked for cooperation in some areas, they were not to be "masters over your faith." I ask you: If the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses does not position itself as "masters over your faith," WHO DOES?

    The organization officially requires those baptized JWs to recognize them as the sole channel of communication from God to humankind. A letter to elders once told us that a JW need not even be spreading thoughts of such a thing to be considered a 'wicked apostate.' All you need do is hold the belief that the Watchtower Society does not represent the supreme authority of God on earth, and you are an "apostate." You are then called an "enemy of God," someone actually to be "hated," for whom no prayer should be offered.

    So they not only want you to 'focus on men,' they demand you do so--under penalty of institutional shunning.

    Guess what! It will never end til Christ is told to "Go subdue your enemies!"
    With all of the many flaws- my brotherhood is the ONLY one listening to the King, who gave the COMMAND to preach the good news of the kingdom thruout the Earth!
    Most church-goers think it's Christ Has Risen!, and have no idea of what the Kingdom is at all- just a Membership to go to Heaven....and simply PAT someone to do the 'preaching' for them!

    My friend, it would appear that you are open to a reconsideration. Good. Upon doing so it will not take long to see that the "good news" the WTS taught us for so long, is just not the "good news" Jesus and the apostles preached. I hope you'll find that most of us here are not interested in being venemous or spiteful, but that (again upon looking at all the facts apart from influence of the WTS) you will see that (perhaps) at no time was this organization "listening to the King."

    I look forward to hearing more from you.

  • Mad

    Wow, Confession! Beautifully put! I guess since I am always looking at the Good in people, I'm often blinded to the Bad...However, when I think of all the wonderful brothers and sisters young to very old that I've known and worked with, it's been very rare when I have encountered the hypocrites you imply exist everywhere in my Brotherhood! I have run into many that chuckle at the nonsense I occaisionally find when prophecies are discussed, and they confide that they are looking at it as I do; silly imaginations.

    Most have been inspiring, many just encouraging...and then SOME are as you describe!

    I know little about the GB- and have no interest, as long as they help me & others in the preaching work! They, as every individual, will have to answer for any sin on their part!


  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Truth on the truth !

  • Confession

    Hi again, Mad.

    I guess since I am always looking at the Good in people, I'm often blinded to the Bad...

    I would give yourself more credit than that. You seem perfectly capable of seeing "the bad" as well. For instance, in your last post you wrote of...

    "...the corruption, phonies & stupid teachings that kept surfacing in Israel & the Christian congregations of old..."

    You further commented...

    "Most church-goers think it's Christ Has Risen!, and have no idea of what the Kingdom is at all- just a Membership to go to Heaven....and simply PAT someone to do the 'preaching' for them!"

    So you're not at all "blinded to the bad." You're willing to call attention to "bad"--outside the Watchtower Society. So it is only fair that you be just as willing to call attention to it inside that organization if it is justified, is it not?

    However, when I think of all the wonderful brothers and sisters young to very old that I've known and worked with, it's been very rare when I have encountered the hypocrites you imply exist everywhere in my Brotherhood! I have run into many that chuckle at the nonsense I occaisionally find when prophecies are discussed, and they confide that they are looking at it as I do; silly imaginations.

    Most have been inspiring, many just encouraging...and then SOME are as you describe!

    I think this comment is missing the point I'm trying to make. You will get no argument about there being "wonderful brothers and sisters" in the organization. And my point was not that "hypocrites...exist everywhere" in the organization. It was, as I wrote...

    "The organization officially requires those baptized JWs to recognize them as the sole channel of communication from God to humankind."


    "So they not only want you to 'focus on men,' they demand you do so--under penalty of institutional shunning."

    So we are not just discussing "hypocrisy" in the organization's leadership (although there's plenty of it,) we are discussing what the Society itself identifies as the primary element to receiving everlasting life: recognizing and obeying them.

    Consider what the Bible says on this...

    “Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.” [Acts 4:24, NWT]

    “Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” [John 14:6, NWT]

    And now, see for yourself what the Watchtower Society says...

    “…survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah's universal organization.” [Watchtower, May 15, 2006]

    This is not some obscure passage from the days of Russell. This was in the Watchtower less than a year ago. How is it you feel that the Governing Body, who have perverted the Christian message as demonstrated above, can 'help you and others in the preaching work'? What preaching work? The one that preaches Christ as Savior? Or the one that preaches Christ through the Watchtower Society as Savior? The one that denies what 1 Timothy 2:5 says about there being "one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus"?

    You write, with reference to the Governing Body...

    They, as every individual, will have to answer for any sin on their part!

    This is Biblically supported. But if their sin includes polluting the Good News about Jesus Christ by inserting themselves as an artificial go-between, it is incumbent upon their followers to reject them. Jesus himself (at Matthew 15:9) spoke of those who teach "commands of men as doctrine," saying that their worship would be in vain. What does the Society itself say about such a thing?

    “If, after making an honest investigation, you are less than pleased with what you see, do more than just complain. A journalist, while commenting on Karl Barth's statement that a church IS its members, logically concluded: 'Church members ... are responsible for what the church says and does.' So ask yourself: Am I willing to share responsibility for everything my church says and does?" [Awake! Sept. 8th, 1987]

    We've come through the same path as you, Mad. Welcome to its first footsteps.

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