My old KH had a personal visit from me today!

by moshe 41 Replies latest jw experiences

  • moshe

    JW's practice and practice their speeches. They have scripted answers for almost every situation- but not this one! So, I caught them in the awkward situation of having no rehearsed come-back. I have a feeling this brother had some doubts already- I have his name. The funny thing is he kept asking what religion, I was. I told him it didn't matter as I wasn't trying to convert him. Well, I don't know if it was my idea or God's to walk into my old KH today, but I am glad I didn't get whacked by one of those old Rutherford canes.

    It was a sorry and pitiful group I observed at the KH today.

  • juni

    Job well done Moshe. After being out for 25 years you don't feel their "hold" on you anymore. You didn't come in w/guns blazing, but kept your cool and posed some good questions.

    Who knows where it will all lead.


  • lilybird

    Well thats a better experience than I ever heard a Dub give from the platform at the hall.

    Wish I had your courage.!! Hopefully they will think on what was said and realize they are wasting their lives serving an organization and not God as they believe.

  • ithinkisee
    Moshe said: "Moshe told them all to pay close attention to the study of the Jan 1 WT- "the society has all but admitted they never had God's spirit back in 1919""

    Was there a discussion on here that I missed? Can someone fill me in on the article? Or point me to a thread?


  • moshe

    This is how 'da Judge dealt with opposers back in the 1930's- a whack on the noggin!

  • love2Bworldly

    WOW!!! You are awesome and have extremely large balls!!! Figuratively speaking of course.

  • heathen

    Me thinks you would've been forced out if you told them you were df or braught up the UN situation. Brilliant strategy tho ,now if everybody went back to their old halls and did the same thing LOL pandemonium would ensue.

  • LongHairGal


    I am glad you presented this in a calm rational manner. They are not prepared for this.

    What they are expecting to see is some wild-eyed fanatic dressed like a bum yelling things. That way they can say to everybody: "see what happens if you leave..." But they couldn't say this about you. You didn't give them the satisfaction of having one of their large bouncers throw you out on your ear.


  • BluesBrother

    I found this thread on the Jan 1st WT.

    I had not read the article until now, but having done so I cannot see anything new. At one time we said a definate date for the beginning of the 1st ressurection Was it 1918 or 1919? , now it is blurred together.

    The whole article is speculative guesswork, but isn't that what we expect? Perhaps someone can tell me if I missed a point...

  • heathen

    Thanks for the link BB , I see you had to work extra hard to get that posted . They seem to have a problem with discerning the obvious . They seem to be more interested in making some old dogma look like it still had some oil for the lamp there instead of just simply stating what the bible says . Daniel 12 clearly says that the dead are not resurrected until Michael (jesus?) stands up and takes full control during the time of distress . I know they don't believe the GT has started yet ,so they again are twisting things to make it look like they had it right from the git go. REVs is clear as well , the souls of those that died for bearing witness to jesus are laid to rest a little while so that the remaining ones of the seed can complete their ministry and die in like manner. Revs 6 . Those of the first resurrection are not subject to the second death , so they again twist that scripture to include the GC. They really do need to come out with some sort of complete volume of current beliefs instead of shiftily changing stuff and hoping nobody notices .

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