Where are Gumby and Mary?

by UnConfused 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Kaput
    I feel so sorry that he has to sit there and listen to that bull crap.

    I'd rather listen to fingernails being scraped down a blackboard for 2 hours.

    Needless to say, this news is quite disturbing. However, each to his/her own.

  • Mary
    jeannie said: I don't know Mary... I've seen people just get sucked in to it again and you just don't hear from them anymore. That org does a real mind **ck on you.

    Yes I know and that was a big concern of mine when he first decided he would give this a shot. I think for a brief moment he even tried convincing himself that maybe he was better off going back. I straightened that out for him pretty damn quick. Some of the meetings are so-so for him, other meetings have absolutely infuriated him and he's felt like walking out. He really does not like the religion at all, so I don't think he'll ever embrace it again. If he does, I'm beating the shit out of him.

    I just don't see how his family can ask him to do something he does not believe in just so that *they* can be accepted while accepting him. It's all so fake... it's fake 'love'... I am just sick about this...

    It's all about 'appearances'. We all know the social aspect of this religion is a major part of any Witness' life. If you don't care about been seen as "weak in the Truth" and having few friends, then by all means you can associate with family members who are DF'd. Unfortunately, if you're concerned about your social status in the congregation, few things are more embarassing than having a family member who's DF'd. It brings into question YOUR loyalty to Big Brother. Therefore, if your family member is no longer disfellowshipped, then it's far less embarassing. End of story.

    I can hardly wait to hear what happens, when he has had enough and SCREAMS from his chair in the kd hall, something like "YOU'R NOTHING BUT A BUNCH OF LOOSE "NUTSACKS".

    LMAO! I just hope he gets it on tape.

    JWDaughter said: Feels like we lost one, though I know its not real. Does he count if he doesn't go out in service? Do they re-baptise?

    I know, it's hard. If he were 20 or 30 years younger he probably wouldn't be doing this, but age has a way of making you see things in a different light. He's assured me that he will never go out in Service, but I've already told him to be prepared for the subtle methods they'll employ to get him to go out. First, there'll be the old "...would you like to come on a bible study this afternoon?" or "..why don't you comeout in Service with us for 1/2 an hour. You don't have to take a door." As for him getting re-baptized, that ain't gonna happen. The water would boil over and explode the second he stuck one of those green legs in. LOL!

    It sounds like they really have him by the NUTSACK. Maybe when they are not looking he can pry it lose and come for a visit. I give him two weeks at the most. Even if he has to chew his NUTSACK off to escape, I bet he'll be back with us apostates, his true family.

    LOL!!! I'll tell him........maybe that'll get his stretchy green legs back on here.

  • Gill

    What is so sad about what has happened to Gumby is that it proves that the WTBTS shunning policy can and does continue to work and exert control over ex members lives.

    I know Gumby has a 'cunning plan' but even so, he has had to kow tow to the pressure of the WTBTS despite his abhorrence of this evil cult!

    I don't know how he does it. If your immeadiate family are JW then the pressures must be immense, and I do remember crying over other members of the family not speaking to me anymore. However, four to five years on I wish they wouldn't speak to me anymore. Their JW silliness makes me cross!

    I have no idea how Gumby can endure meetings! But having said that, I hope he plays a clever game, and ends up the winner!

  • juni

    Mary said:

    Unfortunately, if you're concerned about your social status in the congregation, few things are more embarassing than having a family member who's DF'd. It brings into question YOUR loyalty to Big Brother. Therefore, if your family member is no longer disfellowshipped, then it's far less embarassing. End of story.

    Mary I swear the holy spirit is directing you!!! lol

    You are sooooo right. Our son was DFed as an unbaptized publisher in the mid ' 80s when they had that specific "rule" and then did away w/it a couple of years later when they faced a lawsuit. During that time he was DFed (when he was 16 -18) no one I mean no one would allow their kids to come and play with our other 3 kids. There was most definitely a chasm between our family and others. You could feel the tension in the air. Then the elders and others started looking at our other kids out of the side of their face watching for any "slip ups". It was a horrid time.

    And like someone else here said, most JWs are nice people, but just brainwashed w/the cult mentality. It is so sad......


  • kid-A

    Geez I dont know whats more disturbing....the fact that Gumby-meister is reinstated or that our beloved Uncle Bruce is now posting at that cyber-toilet-bowl, JWO....lol

  • plmkrzy

    He's not sick.........he um, got reinstated the other night.

    I KNEW IT! He is just waaay to flexible.

    Sorry you've been sick Mary.
    Hope you're feelin' better and I hope gummers doesn't get lost on his way back.

  • penny2

    That's sad! We'd much rather have Gumby back here with his great sense of humour. I guess he thinks it's too much of a conflict right now and he needs to focus.

  • DanTheMan

    Gumby, sorry to hear that your circumstances caused you to feel that you had no other choice.

    Jehovah's Wacknesses

  • Mary
    Kid-A said: Geez I dont know whats more disturbing....the fact that Gumby-meister is reinstated or that our beloved Uncle Bruce is now posting at that cyber-toilet-bowl, JWO....lol

    It's a toss up.

    Gill said: What is so sad about what has happened to Gumby is that it proves that the WTBTS shunning policy can and does continue to work and exert control over ex members lives.

    They sure do and that's their goal. The general consesus is: If we can't control your thinking any more, then we'll just find other ways to control you and make your life a living hell.

    Ya, can't you just see Jesus pulling crap like this? I hope the Governing Body burns in HELL for all eternity.


    Gumby went back for the "Chucky Cheese Reinstatement Party"..Once he`s had his fill of Pizza and Beer,he`ll toss his nuts in a wheelbarrow and make his way back to JWD!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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