Interfaith Relationship

by Christina77 66 Replies latest social relationships

  • Christina77

    Quester -

    Yes, I am fully aware that he can get disfellowshipped for this. Truthfully, he should have thought about that along time ago. If he now wants this lifestyle, he should have acted appropriately then too. Since he hasn't he really deserves whatever comes to him, and I will be blamed for corrupting him even though I knew nothing of what his beliefs were because he wasn't honest with me. Since I have been inquireing about his religion, I don't understand how he would get involved with me in the first place. Especially due to what he can be punished with.

    He has not pushed anything on me to convert, but who knows what will happen when his parents find out about me. I really don't have any desire to follow this lifestyle. And for my daughters sake, this would be very bad. My Ex would definitely use this against me to gain custody and to lose my daughter would be like putting a knife in my chest. So I am very happy with my religion even moreso that I have been faced with this predicament.

    I really hopeso too, it is a real shame that he can't be open to me. He doesn't see it at all. He thinks he is very honest with me. It is almost like a mental block from everything that pertains to them. He just can't seem to open up to reality, that I need to know what will happen.

    In time I will see.


  • Christina77

    Well, his parents have been away for the past week visiting relatives, and guess who hasn't been attending meetings??? So it seems to me that it is them that are controling this part of him. When they are out of the picture he does what he wants to. It was interesting to see him react like this.

  • wasistdas

    Christina, it sounds like he's trying to just please his parents. I mean neither of us can read his mind but judging by his actions... Kids of Witnesses often just go along with the activities to please their parents when they are really not into them because they love god. I'd like to tell you more about my own personal experience. It was such a situation with my brother. OUr parents raised him as a witness, but they encouraged us in the way of truth ( as I consider it) they didn't try to force us or put undue pressure. My mom and dad never said, You have to do it this way! They told us why or why not we should. My brother lingered on the fringes of the congregation for a long time just for the sake of my mom. MOre than once, he got himself into situations requiring disciplinary action, but the first couple of times he was reproved because of his repentant attitude. Finally though, he had to be disfellowshipped. When that finally happened, it was a relief! Even though we all regretted the circumstance, my parents and I both felt relieved that finally it had gone either one way or the other. Which shows to me that we'd all rather him make his own decisions. But my point is, it was much harder for everyone when he was just putting up pretenses. As of now? he is still disfellowshipped but we keep in good, though non-spiritual, contact with him. He has expressed a desire to get back into spiritual things because of his new wife and baby. We keep a distance, letting him make the choice himself. If he does, he won't be doing it for our parents. He'll be doing it because he believes it is right. Or he won't. either way its better that he's making decisions. He can be reinstated into the congregation, whether that happens or not depends entirely upon himself. I hope this maybe gives you more insight into the whole disfellowshipping thing. Granted, it is a very tough and emotionally complicated matter for all sides. I know not every family has handled things as well as my parents have. But who am I to criticize. Disfellowshipped ones knew before their baptism that they will be held accountable for their actions, and they know whether their relationship is restored with the congregation depends entirely on them.
    I really appreciate your attitude Christina, it reflects that of many admired acquaintances I have had that were not of my faith. I really hope things work out Ok for you. I dont want you to continue to be hurt by someone who in my viewpoint is just not honest. In myh relationships, I cannot under any circumstances share my life so closely as with that of a husband who does not share my faith. That would be too unhappy for me. But furthermore, I have to be even more selective because just because someone says they're a christian doesn't mean they behave as one. I hope you realize that before its too late. If he's serious about his convictions, and hte two of you get married, there will be much tension, and naturally he will want you to share the same beliefs, as you probably will with him. YOu should understand that if he believes what he believes, and he loves you, he's not going to want you to lose out on what he believes is in mankinds future! But he's not acting like he really loves you. HE's acting like he really loves himself. My mom married someone selfish, please do not do the same. And with your daughter...All I can say is if you marry him without clearing this thing up, you are only asking for loads of trouble. Its better maybe for her to be with a single loving parent than two who fight like cats and dogs.

  • Yerusalyim


    I'm still of the opinion that you're too good for this schmuck and that you should dump him. Dump him or make him be entirely honest with you and his family. Let the chips fall where they may.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • JBean

    Hi Christina...I've jumped ahead to post without looking through all 4 pages yet because I want to tell you that if you love this guy, please stick with him. (I'm now going back to read every entry here!) From VERY personal experience I can assure you that he CANNOT be disfellowshipped for marrying a non-witness. (If they find out you've been sleeping together tho'.... well look out!) From VERY personal experience I can tell you that he (and you by association) will be "spoken to" mainly by his family, not so much the congregation unless he is really, really actively involved in it. His family will make him feel like he is a traitor to God, etc. They will yell, cry, more than likely do anything to try to get him to change his mind. All you both need to do is really be prepared for this reaction and continue on with your plans to marry (or be together). The family (from MY experience) will eventually calm down (this may take a year or so, though) and as long as he's not disfellowshipped, will begin to "come around". You will definitely get the cold shoulder for a long while... but if you are as kind and loving as you sound here, they will learn to love you. I'm divorced now but I always joke about the fact that by the time I did file for divorce my family loved my (ex)husband more than me --they actually begged me to rethink the divorce and give my ex another chance!!! He NEVER converted but they loved him anyway after a while (I'm still "in" by the way...) Hope this helps. Please keep posting! Jbean

  • Christina77

    Well I got to the point last night that I couldn't take it anymore. I just wrote him an e-mail dealing with respect for me. I don't know if this was a good idea, but I gave him an ultamatum... It just seemed as it is the only hope for me to know what I need to know from him and for him to finally introduce me to his parents... the last letter that I wrote to him didn't seem to do anything but get him a little teary eyed. Well, this one just shows him that I am not going to take his crap for any longer and face reality. Hopefully it will do some good, but who knows. I will keep you posted. Thanks for listening.


  • Christina77

    Well, he still hasn't told them... and I gave him to the end of the year... so I guess I will be writing a letter and he won't like it at all... but I told him that is what I would do and I guess he didn't believe that I would do it... and I actually found my crucifix on Christmas day. I have been wearing it every day since... he finally realized it the other day and only because I was wearing a tank top... he noticed the chain and wanted to see what was on it... hahahahah that was fun... I wish I had seen the look on his face, but I was on the computer at the time. He didn't say that I couldn't wear it!!! he just said oh well... and he has not hid it on me when I take it off... so we will see... he seems as if he is accepting the fact, but then again he wanted to tell me some more about his beliefs... AND HE WANTS ME TO CONVERT!!! I will keep in touch...

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