Carbon Dating Question... sort of...

by LtCmd.Lore 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse

    I just did some carbon-dating on my toenails, and the readings said 49,000 years.

    Or was that my hair samples?

    I can't remember.

  • pallemar

    to back up the ider off carbon 14. we allso have the ice in greenland and the ice, from southpole. it have kind of ores to, as a cut tree, traces from, summer ice, to very cold windter ice. you can see traces from vulcano aktivities. in the ice, and a lot more. flower P...N you name it ;)

    here is a different of 20 years, between the carbon dating people, and the ice dating people. but it can be a missing ice core or a fould from the tree friends, but 20 years, is nothing, compare to the dates, we are now looking at.

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