A big thank you to Simon

by Caedes 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • Paisley

    Good luck to you both! And how exciting, moving to England!!

  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel

    I am very excited to move to England. It's a whole different country over there (obviously)

    They call crunchy cookies biscuits....hee hee

    I'm trying to get used to all of the phrases and terminology. It'll take me awhile, but I think it's really fun and I thought everyone was very nice. Martin's friends and family made me feel very comfortable and at home. I'll have lots to explore over there and once moved over there I will try to post more pictures of us together on the site so you all can see how happy we are and how much we love each other....that is if I can figure out how to paste a picture on the site (doh!)

  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel

    I can't believe it worked. I had to resize the picture before it would let me paste it....YEAH!!!!!! I'm so happy

    By the way....we are both really red because it was REALLY cold. He was laughing at me because I was trying to warm up my ears all day long. It kind of worked

    Love you Tiger. I miss you and I miss home.

  • juni

    Woooo hooooo some good news!!

    Congratulations to both of you!

    You are a lovely pair and I wish you both the very best. I remember when we were first greeting you Calico Ethel to the forum.

    I, too, am from Wisconsin. You have wonderful friends here that care a lot about you and your happiness.

    A big hug for you both!


  • truthsetsonefree

    Gosh you guys are making me cry....That is such a great story. Hope all the best for you two. Maybe one day I will be able to say the same about myself. I love what you said about being friends first.


  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel

    I think this sort of thing can happen to anyone. I would have to be thankful for Calvin and Hobbes too.....

    That's the whole reason I met him to begin with. Just looking through people's avatar's the first week I signed up to this site, I noticed someone had Hobbes as his avatar. I am a big fan of the cartoon's and so I PM'd him and he PM'd me back. Then we started emailing each other. It's been an almost everyday thing with us now. And when we don't get to email, we either text or phone each other. He will text me just to say goodnight and that he loves me.....He really is the sweetest man in the world. He takes care of me and I want to take care of him. I'm so grateful and blessed

  • vitty


    You look like a really nice couple, wishing you all the best for the future

  • Caedes

    Well thanks for all the lovely comments, I suppose I should have thanked everybody on the board too, because if it wasn't such an interesting place I wouldn't have kept coming back!

    I am especially glad I picked Hobbes as an avatar, because I was going to use a picture of Richard E Grant in a scene from Withnail and I!

    Thank you to LT I will try to keep the lurvin' resticted to the loved up thread in future!

    And another thank you to Michelle for putting up with a grumpy old git like me for a partner, although I still am not sure how you reckon you are difficult to live with, I quite enjoy the underwear hanging off my bedroom mirror (sorry LT!)

    Only two weeks to go honey!

  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel

    Thanks for mentioning the underwear honey....that's sweet. I hope you are liking them. We can keep them as a permanent decoration for the bedroom if you'd like.

    I don't care that we have our own thread. I think our love is special enough that it deserves it's own. (not that everyone else's doesn't, but I think you all know what I mean) Besides....I didn't know so many other people found love over this site. I thought we were the only ones. Who would have thought?????

    2 weeks can't go by quick enough. What do you mean grumpy old git??? You are none of those things. And I'm sure you'll see me when I'm difficult. I just hope you won't want to give me back to my old pathetic way of life after you do. I'm too attached to you to let you go now. Saying goodbye to you last time nearly killed me, it would if I had to do it again.

  • J-ex-W

    aaawwwww......You two make a really cute (and happy-looking) couple! Congrats to both of you!

    p.s. Caedes, I don't believe Michelle is blind. I think she sees--and likes!--full well what she's getting herself into....

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