Why do witnesses tell others how to live their lives, yet their own homes..

by The Dragon 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    are in turmoil?

    I have been watching my witness mother refuse to confront her many problems with my father and brothers...instead running out at every opportunity to knock on her nieghbor's doors and tell them how some men in New York think they should be living their lives and running their household, calling it the "truth"...all while anyone who knows her knows what a mess her home life is.

    For one I think she should be a bit more selective on what she defines as truth..for two I don't think she can lead by example only empty hypocritical words.

    Am i close in my diagnosis of this problem?

  • some-xjw-guy

    As with a lot of things, people don't "walk the walk" - and religion is a great example. In fact, it could be argued that the nature of religion is just a set of beliefs, so it is more likely to happen. Someone may decide to practice what they preach, but belief in itself doesn't mean any of it affects one's life.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Its called................"let me remove that small partical from your eye.............Then I can remove the giant log in my eye"

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    that is a bit backwards imo.

  • some-xjw-guy

    Its nothing new though, someone else pointed out its this discrepancy between the idea and the practice in the "if its really the end, where are they" thread. If you look at it close enough thats how most people move through life these days - you have a mental theoretical structure and then you try to follow that. This we see as normal but it's already a step removed from being completely coherent that the mind and action is one. But in the case of backseat drivers, religious or otherwise the action part is never even addressed. Not only is it "all theory" but the action is supposed to be done by others, the person's job appears to be telling other people what to do.

  • anewme

    They should discontinue the door to door service program and concentrate on informal witnessing and leading others to their god by their Christ-like example of living.

    Men should be outstanding fathers and husbands.

    Women should be happy mothers and wives.

    Young people should be leading chaste lives that bring praise to their religion and god.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Well said.

  • avidbiblereader

    Yes and I would have to say DENIAL is another reason why they do it. Out of sight, out of mind.


  • truthsetsonefree

    This described me to the letter. And still describes my parents. What it really boils down too is JWs are all about going to meetings and service. Following the WT line and keeping the "organization" afloat. There is little time left for real effort in fixing one's personal life. The Society says that one's personal life gets fixed by doing all the meetings and service and by prayer....but it usually doesn't work. At least not permanently.


  • some-xjw-guy

    Thats what made me think of the personal approach in the other thread. In a way you play too nice if you are just debating the beliefs. To the degree that people are honest with themselves and are willing to do some actual self examination, it's probably more effective to point out the different ways their life is affected and quite frankly how much it sucks.

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