We do not claim to be inspired prophets

by OnTheWayOut 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    Page 136 of the book, REASONING FROM THE SCRIPTURES, says
    "Jehovah's Witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets. They have made mistakes.
    Like the apostles of Jesus Christ, they have at times had some wrong expectations."

    It goes on to discuss why they claim they are not FALSE PROPHETS. The whole thing is
    under that subtitle- FALSE PROPHETS.

    The thing is, their improper logic is right under our noses, and as JW's, many didn't ever get it.

    The statement "Jehovah's Witnesses do not claim to be inspired prophets" has a different meaning
    to the average JW than it really says.
    Are they uninspired prophets or are they inspired non-prophets?
    That's what JW's assume. God works thru them, inspiring them to teach wonderful truths, but they are
    occasionally wrong because they are not Bible writers like Paul. OR they are just deep Bible readers
    who progressively share wonderful truths as they learn them, but are occasionally wrong, because they
    are just men proclaiming prophecy from their own understanding.

    There are only two types of prophets
    1. True Prophets
    2. False Prophets

    Any true prophet would be INSPIRED. Any false prophet would not be so. End of story- simple.
    Many of us overlooked such obvious logic and fell for the WT crap- right under our noses.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer


    I am quite new to this forum. I have been lurking for a short time reading various posts to look for relevant info for my quest. I have been "fading" for about 6 years. My wife knows i don't believe, my family thinks I'm just stumbled or have minor issues. Anyway, this point in the Reasoning book is the 1st one to make me respond. That is great! do you have more items like that which i could use to get various people in my family thinking? Can you expound upon this with quotes that talk about WTBS being a prophet? I am looking for contradictions in teachings that most don't see because "the light" has not gotten bright enough.

    The WTBS claims to be God's tool on earth, but how can they do this without being inspired? This is the best thing I've seen in this regard. Thank you for the info.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Welcome welcome.

    If my thread brought one lurker to our ranks, it was worth it. That thought from the
    Reasoning book was "inspired" by the book, CAPTIVES OF A CONCEPT by Dan Cameron.

    You can learn about it by googling it or going to lulu.com.

    Tell us more, please Cold Creek Swimmer. Start your own thread or use this one. Either way.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
  • OnTheWayOut

    Without realizing it, JW's accept the Governing Body as

    Jehovah's spirit-directed uninspired true prophet.

    Staggering what we accepted, isn't it?

  • JeffT

    They don't claim to be inspired prophets, they just require that every one beleive everything they say without question because they are God's organization.

    Simple really.

  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer

    Thanks for the info. I'll look it up.

    I gave up believing a long time ago. I just hang around for the sake of my wife and kids. I tried to go regularly and keep quiet, but then we moved to another state which made it incredibly easy to not go. I still go now and then if my wife does so I can help with the kids, but fortunately my wife seems always to have an excuse not to go. Unfortunately, she still believes that witnesses are the only way and that I'm an idiot who's creating a wall between us by not believing. She just doesn't realize that it's WTBS that has created the need for a wall. Once she gets that, there won't be a problem. I am quite comfortable with where I am and how I feel. Got a big kick out of "The END is near" again. My dad called to tell me about that, but I finally gave it up to him and said "What, again? How many times does that make? Don't call me and try to scare me back to THE TRUTH. " Needless to say, the conversation didn't go to well after that. I guess he didn't realize how I really feel.

    I recently found out about some old friends that have come out. I gave them a call because I got tired of hearing all the second-hand gossip going around and thought that it would be better if I just called and talked to them. Much to my surprise and joy, they are out and quite active on this forum, which is why I am here now. That is pretty much the whole deal, and I thank you for your interest.

  • OnTheWayOut

    CCS, thanks for sharing. Lurk all you want, share all you want.
    You will learn alot. I, too have an active JW wife. She's very active, though.
    I go to meetings, but am severely cutting down now. My elders think I am
    in doubts right now. If they only knew that my doubts were over long ago.

  • avidbiblereader

    I have got rid of all my JW paraphenelia, but I believe they printed an artice decades ago call themselves

    'The Modern Day Prophet of Jehovah"


  • OnTheWayOut

    'The Modern Day Prophet of Jehovah"


    w72 4/1p.200 ‘They Shall KnowthataProphetWasAmongThem’***

    Since the year 1919 C.E. Jehovah’s witnesses have found circumstances to be just like that as they have made the widest possible declaration of the good news of the Kingdom in 207 lands of the earth.

    To Ezekiel, in his vision, and, symbolically to the modern-day "prophet," the spirit-begotten, anointed ones who are the nucleus of Jehovah’s witnesses today, God gave something to eat.

    Yes. They say the one thing, then later say it differently. If a JW is caught in an argument, he says
    "That says 'symbolically.' That says spirit-begotten, not inspired. That refers to the group, but the individuals
    are humans that can make mistakes."

    It doesn't matter what the JW argues, as long as he accepts the false reasoning of WTS.

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