Disciplining babies?

by bernadette 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • bernadette

    I'd appreciate advice.

    I remember when I was pregnant the following exp was given at a district convention

    An elder said that he started discipling his child from 9 months. He said whenever the 9 month old made a noise or cried at the meeting he would squeeze her. The baby would stop. He said he always found this method worked. Sometimes he needed to squeeze a little harder as the baby got older.

    I mention this because the mother of a 14 month old baby told me that her husband spanked their baby at the hall last week. The baby cried. At the next meeting the baby remained 'good' at the meeting.

    I really want to help this couple in a constructive way but am completely lost as to how to begin as I am fading.

    So any pointers?


  • Gill

    Report the buggers for child abuse. This should help them learn pretty quickly!

    Normal people do not 'squeeze' or 'smack' their children for making a noise because they are bored off listening to BS! But of course, Jehovah's Witnesses do not come under the catergory of 'normal' people.

    The State is usually pretty good at helping to educate parents who do not understand this!

  • misguided

    "Disciplining Babies" how absolutely crazy!

    I'm guilty of doing this to my babies at meetings though.

    It is, in my opinion, expected that you keep your kids in check at all times at the meetings no matter what their age. I know now, that it was completely misguided. Children need discipline, babies do not. (I had 6 babies while a jw, 5 of them in 5 1/2 years)

    On a lighter note, I think they just may be creating a future apostate. When I was 2 years old my parents asked me why I go to meetings. I think they were expecting a "because I love jehovah'" answer. Instead they got..."to get a spanking." They seemed to think this was funny.


  • Gill

    Wow! Misguided! Your answer to your parents said it all!

  • bernadette

    Gill, my first thought was to report them.

    But this couple in every other way seem very loving, kind and compassionate. But where is his heart when he did that. I know that his wife will follow his lead or else she is going to have a struggle on her hands.

    I wonder if others have had experiences of this sort of disassociation of mind and heart for the good of the meetings

  • bernadette

    misguided, I'm gonna use your exp

  • Gill

    Bernadette - All you have to do when any JW says that to you is calmly and quietly say: 'That is Chld Abuse. If I see anyone do something like that to their child I will report them to....(whatever you have in your country).'

    I said this very firmly at a JW family visit a few weeks back. The room went very quiet for a few moments, but I know they took the information in. I explained why and then one of my JW relatives reeled off occassions he had been hit and punished as a small child, that he still remembered. He is 67 now. I was able to say, that his beatings had traumatised him, and that's why he still remembered them, and that is why parents need to use their brains to discipline and not their hands.

    No one else said anything, but I'm sure they thought about it.

    Whatever the WTBTS says about discipline in the future, I'm sure they will remember what I said as well and it will cause some conflict in their minds.

  • bernadette


    Bernadette - All you have to do when any JW says that to you is calmly and quietly say: 'That is Chld Abuse. If I see anyone do something like that to their child I will report them to....(whatever you have in your country).'

    I did confront the dad about smacking his baby.

    Their explanation was that at the weekend they witnessed a 2 year old 'behaving like a brat' and they both decided 'they would never let their child become like that'. Unfortunately I was rendered speechless at this.

    The WTS promotes a climate of self conscious self righteous and thats what I'd like to see dented.

    They are the perpetrators

  • Satanus

    Hurting a baby until it goes quiet must put it into shock, i would think.


  • Gill

    Bernadette - It is the nature of 2 years old to act like brats!! I know! I have five children. You teach them by your reaction. All a child craves is its parents attention. If you give it any attention for behaving badly, it will continue to behave badly. IF you ignore it AND its behaviour it will learn to behave better! It works. Brain over hand, any day!!! Praise only, and you soon get a well behaved child!

    Smacking is the sign of intellectual flabbiness!!!

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