In the WT's Defence

by shadowofbathory 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • J-ex-W

    It's not cognitive dissonance that keeps people here because they're afraid to maybe worry that the JWs are right. We know they aren't right. Most people here would welcome respectful defenders of the WT faith, if they would just come.

    The whole reason the CD thing was brought up was to show why a dissenting view on this board is not appreciated and will never be heard much here.

    Dissenting views of other kinds are brought up all the time. Some people are atheists, some believe in a God. Some believe in Jesus, others challenge believers to prove his existence. There are dissenting views on politics as well.

    It's just that when it comes to the subject of JWs, what the board is about, most here are in agreement that JWs are not the one true religion. It can't be helped that the leaders of the religion have pretty much forbidden their followers to share in an debating the issues of the religion or an exchanging of ideas.

    I think 'undercover' covered it pretty well....

  • thecarpenter
    the watchtower isn't perfect, they never claimed to be. the truth gets brighter and brighter so old doctrines will be disgarded. Issues such as child molestation and the UN scandal was a unfortunate mistake due to the imperfection of man. As for 607 bce and the blood issue, in time if it proves to be wrong, we will adjust and move on but we won't let up in preaching the good news that our lord has given to us as a commission.

    this sound a bit more geniune. Answer that you evil poztates!

    ... I-I am stunned! I cannot answer such a bulletproof defense!

    ha ha, I thought someone would get a kick out of this... It really is hard to come up with a defense... sort of like trying to defend OJ, you feel dirty doing it.

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