In the WT's Defence

by shadowofbathory 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Surfrusty

    I see it on both sides of the issue. I think it keeps some people in and it makes some people leave. Obviously in this forum I'm referring to the CD that causes people to leave because that is what most people on these boards have done. Regarding your question... A classic example of cognitive dissonance that is used in teaching the theory is this: A man on an impulse buys a sports car that he can't afford and doesn't need. He gets home and he starts feeling guilty (dissonance) so he gets on the internet and starts searching for favorable reviews of his car and anything that would reinforce the "wisdom" of his purchase. He latches on to all positive feedback and turns a blind eye to anything negative. The end result is the conflict or dissonance is reduced. I think there is much of the same process happening here. Many people have made a terribly difficult decision which has produced a tremendous amount of dissonance. People are here, in part, to hear how great of a car they have bought. Hence, opposing views would not be very well accepted and promptly rejected.

  • james_woods

    Wow - only seven posts you have challenged not only my decision to see through the JW bullshit, but also my honest desire to help others who are trying to shake off this delerium by posting here.

    Not only that, but now I guess you are saying that my membership in the Ferrari and Corvette boards is phony, as well.

    So I guess your wise advice would be for me to go back to the JW, sell both Corvettes, the Porsche, and the Miata, and get me a good honest service car and quit worrying about whether or not Harmaggedun is ever going to come? If only we could get our heads right, we could just be good JWs again and quit bitching about the lies?

    So you really do "see both sides"? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

  • Surfrusty

    I noticed you didn't really address what I said. But that's ok. I'm not suggesting anything. The whole reason the CD thing was brought up was to show why a dissenting view on this board is not appreciated and will never be heard much here. Believe me I wish I had a Ferrari though, dissonance or not...

  • Honesty

    Ain't gonna happen.

    The Watchtower Society has seen too many defenders of their cult fall victim to this board and turn into normal people for them to risk sending anyone here.

  • undercover

    It's not cognitive dissonance that keeps people here because they're afraid to maybe worry that the JWs are right. We know they aren't right. Most people here would welcome respectful defenders of the WT faith, if they would just come.

    The whole reason the CD thing was brought up was to show why a dissenting view on this board is not appreciated and will never be heard much here.

    Dissenting views of other kinds are brought up all the time. Some people are atheists, some believe in a God. Some believe in Jesus, others challenge believers to prove his existence. There are dissenting views on politics as well.

    It's just that when it comes to the subject of JWs, what the board is about, most here are in agreement that JWs are not the one true religion. It can't be helped that the leaders of the religion have pretty much forbidden their followers to share in an debating the issues of the religion or an exchanging of ideas.

  • Confession

    I don't see the problem with what Surfrosty's saying. Those who've read my posts know I've certainly no reservations about the fraudulence of the WTS and the wisdom in my leaving them. That said, it's certainly true that anyone can, if surrounded almost exclusively by those holding a similar viewpoint, stop challenging what they hold as true. And don't some here readily admit they still get phantom Watchtower twinges from time to time for a variety of reasons, sometimes experiencing feelings of guilt, sometimes worrying that maybe Armageddon is coming? It could be a form of CD, coming here for validation when such happens.

    And just because a person might experience moments of confusion such as this doesn't mean they're wrong in their beliefs. The only difference as I see it is that for most of us here, our decisions can be made after reviewing ALL the pertinent information--rather than simply what a religious authority structure limits us to.

  • james_woods

    Thanks, surfrusty and bathory for making an interesting thread.

    We do in fact welcome dissenting views here - but they need to know that defending the indefensible policy of the WTS is going to be a long hard uphill pull.

    For a study in comparative anatomy, why not try to post some threads on the official JW pages defending the JWD or the christian lambs? Or, just take it up in open discussion with the local body of elders...

    Betcha you would get a lot further here with JW defensive apology!

  • Satanus

    Hi bathory. That's the name i remember being here only a short while, when i came on board. So, you are still a good jw, then, i presume? You were australian, if my mind hasn't disintigrated too much, yet.


  • undercover
    why not try to post some threads on the official JW pages defending the JWD or the christian lambs? Or, just take it up in open discussion with the local body of elders...

    Or...go to, go to the "Learn about Jehovah's Witneeses" discussion group and respectfully ask about some of their doctrines.

    Talk about your cognitive dissonance...they're eat up with it there.

  • Satanus


    You may be right about there being a bit of dissonance in renouncing all things wt and then having to face the tower again. However, it could be because of a small amount of wt programming that has not been rooted out. It's a bit like veterans or excons who did a lot of heavy time, or exdrug users or exalchohalics (recovering); the experience never totally leaves you. So, it is a sort of false dissonance, or a result of buttons being pushed. Don't you think so?


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