Why don't JW friends come over and say hello?

by JH 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I always wondered why JW's didn't stop by to say hello, just to encourage or by friendship?

    But if I showed up at the hall, after many months, they would be happy to see me, and would come to talk to me, and ask what,s going on in my life as if they were really interested in me.

    So, if they were happy to see me at the hall, why wouldn't they be happy showing up at my place too.

    Why is it that only the elders come over to see me once in a blue moon?

  • purplesofa

    the friends come over to say hi to me but only out in field service


  • JH

    I had a good friend, that became and elder, and I remember talking to him at the hall many years ago, and I said to him, "Hey it's nice seeing you", and he answered, "well you can find me here at the hall all the time".

    He didn't say, you can come over home and see me there, or I should go over to your home and see you when I get a chance.

    It was as if he was saying, "come over to the hall if you want to see us, cause we won't go over to see you".

  • undercover

    Interesting conundrum...

    Do I really want them to stop by unannounced? Not really...but then their not stopping by shows that maybe they aren't all that loving as I thought all those years. So which do I want? To be love bombed or ignored?

    Do I go to their house to say hello and see how their doing? No...yet I wonder why they don't come by and see me?

    Most JWs are not going to remain "friends" with someone who leaves the organization. Generally speaking, it just ain't gonna happen. There will be some who will buck the system and remain in contact with us. There are a couple of people I keep up with and they don't seem to have any problems in associating with me. But others seem to avoid me, or worse, whisper about me behind my back.

    It's these situations where you learn who your real friends are. Unfortunately, not too many JWs were real friends.

  • agapa37

    JH, that is the number one question people have who are either fading, having trouble spiritually ( for whatever reason ) or have become spiritually weak due to problems. Many, if not all go through that from time to time, even myself have gotten weak. Like you, I asked the same questions, WHERE ARE THE FRIENDS? As an avid student of the Bible I know that friends are supposed to stick closer than brothers according to the scriptures.

    There exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces, but there exists a friend sticking closer than a brother.Proverbs 18:24

    A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. Proverbs 17:17

    Personally, I have been through that alot over the course of my service to God. I even on many occasions had to remind the friends of how a TRUE brother or sister should act, but I thought to myself, If I have to remind them how they need to act so that I can get help, I'm just wasting my time. The harsh reality of it all is that within Jehovah's Org there are many who CLAIM to be servants but are not, want to help but do not know how and some just don't give a care! There are some,the minority,who do care though. ( No different from the situation in ancient times ) So what do we do? Give up? No, we PERSEVERE! Personally, knowing I cannot rely on the brothers there is only one place left to turn, no, not to the world, but to Jehovah through Jesus.

    Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; And those who are crushed in spirit he saves. Proverbs 34:18

    As for me, to God I shall call out;And Jehovah himself will save me. Psalms 55:16

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, people are like that because that is just the way it is and because of that harsh reality we need to persevere and rely on the one person who is always there.

  • willy_think

    what I have observed is that people who spy on each other can never really be friends. this i think might have been the sadest part for me.

  • BrentR

    I have found almost the perfect comeback to JW's when they tell me "You can always come back". I ask them "Come back to what?". A group of people that put on a clown act that they were my friends? That would not give me the time of day? No thanks!!!! I can do just fine without "friends" like that. Then I usually get the "I am sorry you feel like that" to which I respond that it is not a feeling it's an observable fact. Then all I get is the shoulder shrug from them.

    What is so ironic is that they don't exactly leave the door open for anyone to come back, even if they wanted to. You would think that by now they would have fiqured it out. Especially given the stagnant growth they are seeing.

    I call that cutting of your nose just spite your face. They are truly ignorant and are thier own worse enemy.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings JH,

    he answered, "well you can find me here at the hall all the time".

    That is your "elder/friends" phony baloney, extremely typical, meaningless staple answer. Plus if you're not going to meetings, inasmuch as they are the "spiritual rocks" of the congregation, they wouldn't want you to stumble them and turn the ground they walk on to jello.

    Remember, dubs have many "teachings" that are never practiced. That they are your "friends", and care about you is one of them.

    My experience is that as soon as you stop towing/toeing the watchtower line, they view you as a pile of shit.

    Does that make any sense?


  • Golf

    WHAT? When do they have time when you consider the meetings and getting prepared for their weekly Theocratice Service? Are they encouraged to visit witnesses or be doing door to door activity? Without furthur ado, this is no Christian family!!!!!!

    This is a shameful organization that preaches love and unity and don't practice it!

    Have a good day and think positive.


  • Fatfreek

    "well you can find me here at the hall all the time"

    Interpreted to mean, "Our real faith is so weak and vulnerable that we must be right here five times a week, except, of course, when we are out in field service or our three annual sales meetings. Your stinking faith, despite the fact that you hardly attend here or anywhere, appears stronger and is actually threatening to our faith. I prefer to only meet you here on our turf where, if you ask the tough question I can always refer you to somebody with a coat and tie. You got that?"


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