Do CO's discuss inactive publishers?

by Inquisitor 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • avidbiblereader

    I remember being a MS and being invited for my first night out and I was as gung ho as could be and when arriving how many elders had previous arrangements. The longer you are involved in the governing part of the congregations the more you could see some were just into it for the glory and parts. The real work didnt appeal to them.

    Jermiah 23:4

    4 Then I will appoint responsible shepherds who will care for them, and they will never be afraid again. Not a single one will be lost or missing. I, the L ord have spoken!

    I used this scripture at my trial, they put their heads down and refuse to look at me. I told them they were a joke and a disgrace to Christ, they were not any where near the Bibical explanation of a shepherd. I asked them if they felt they lived up to that and if they fulfilled it in my case or my daughter. One stated how he wanted and but, I told them to save their breath, according to James 2:14-17 nobody is listening and especially God and Christ, with blank stares they had nothing to say.


  • GoingGoingGone

    Our PO showed up at my door one day during the tract campaign and invited me out in service... He tried to tempt me by telling me we'd get a great car group together, where we'd go on break, etc...

    Anyway, I thought it was a nice gesture, and then I found out that the CO was coming the following week!! So much for personal interest.... It was all so that they could look good, get an inactive publisher active again. I should have known.....


  • avidbiblereader

    Yes Juni that was the case that I saw, excuses, excuses, excuses. It is impossible to do everything that you are told as a witness and especially an elder, they burn them out just as Jesus said.

    Mat 23:4 4 They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.

    You just cannot do it no matter how well intended which brings me to a good question on the forum


  • Cindi_67

    Well I have been inactive for the past 8 months and "my" congregation was supposed to have had de CO's visit back in August or September and nobody went to my house. I think the elders keep him busy so he doesn't have enough time in his already busy agenda to make "unnecessary" calls. The elders here appear to have forgotten all about me. I guess I wasn't that much of an important part of the congregation after all. Right now I consider it to be too late. I don't want them visiting now as I will not be a pleasant host. Actually I think they might have prevented the CO to come to my house, knowing that I will tell him that they just didn't bother coming at all.

    I wrote a letter back in June of 2006 after I stoped attending late April, telling them my feelings and overall spiritual condition and after three weeks my book study conductor was the one that came to my house, without actually addressing too much of my letter. He got that letter 1 day after he arrived from a trip himself. So I guess he wasn't prepared to "help" me. After that just one more visit. I had too much stuff going on around the house and didn't let them in. And that's the last I heard from any of them. I understand that only your book study conductor should visit the members of his book study. The others don't even bother calling to see how you are. It makes me mad and disspointed at the same time. This brother already had a lot going on with his own family. But that's the way it is in "my" dear congregation. All rules, spending time filling up their service reports with long hours pioneering; a call to a baptized member will not count.

    BLAH, let them keep on preaching the love they don't display in the congregation unless you are an active member and want to be a pioneer and join their group of stuck ups. To hell with the ones who are not. Right? Sorry I am very upset today and this subject just hit the mark.

  • sir82

    In my experience: They discuss inactive publishers in a cold, technical manner, they may as well be discussing defective widgets from a production line:

    "Well, brothers, it looks like there are now 12 inactive publishers in your congregation, up from 8 my previous visit. are you sure none of them turned in reports? No? Well, next time make sure that you make a better effort to get them out in service. Now, onto the next point..."

  • Cindi_67

    Hey, were you an elder?

    In my experience: They discuss inactive publishers in a cold, technical manner
  • Nellie

    I used to wonder why people who left the organization were full of so much anger. Threads like this make it all so clear . . .

  • Warlock

    Our PO showed up at my door one day during the tract campaign and invited me out in service... He tried to tempt me by telling me we'd get a great car group together, where we'd go on break, etc...

    Anyway, I thought it was a nice gesture, and then I found out that the CO was coming the following week!! So much for personal interest.... It was all so that they could look good, get an inactive publisher active again. I should have known.....

    About a week before the last CO's visit, one of the elders called and wanted my field service time for the month (it was the last day of the month). He left a message, twice. I'm like I haven't reported time for about 3 years or longer, and I'm thinking what kind of nonsense is this!?

    Of course, I never returned his call.

    Is that dumb, or what?


  • bronzefist

    Last week's drama 101.

    On monday a friend called the CO about some drama that has been going on at the KH involving him. My name was mentioned because I became inactive and have not been called on by the elders. The CO promised the brother he would CALL ON ME. Monday evening the CO CALLED ME and said he would call on me AT MY HOME with one of the elders during his visit. No visit M-Sunday. I did not bother to go to any of the meetings the week of his visit.

    On Sunday (after he leaves) I get a call from a sister who said the CO had an example of a brother who became inactive because he DID NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF JEHOVAH in his heart. This certain brother (me) could not show love for another brother (think adultry) and after 6 months quit going to the same book study (at hall). The inactive brother (yep, me) had no right to ask for a change in book studies because by asking he PROVED he did not have the love of Jehovah in his heart or he would have forgiven the adultrious (DF times 3)) brother.

    So I guess CO's do call on inactive ones. Only sometimes they do it in front of the entire congregation even when you're not there.


  • willyloman

    Inactive ones, to the CO, were just numbers. He wanted to know how many and what the elders were doing to reactivate some of them. The only time I ever saw a CO ask to visit one of the inactive ones in the congo was when the inactive one was said to be bordering on apostasy. In thsoe cases, the call was not to reactivate, it was to scold. Sometimes, if there was a long-time dub with a good service record, the CO would want to call on hiom/her to see what was up, but not usually - they avoided those calls like the plague and instead told the elders before he left: You brothers should really encourage so and so. They'd all nod and agree, and that was the end of it.

    This organization is not about retention. It's about recruitment. I think it's because most elders know, deep in their hearts, that once someone who knows what they know takes a walk, there is little they can do to get that one back.

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