Weak in the Faith = Lose Privilages

by RULES & REGULATIONS 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honesty

    I wish I had been in some of your congregations.

    I laid out for over a year. No meetings, No Field Service except counting time for a study with my two unbaptised children. No DA. No CA.

    I did absolutely NOTHING for the WTBTS.

    First meeting I showed up for was on a Sunday.

    The PO asked me to read the Watchtower and say the final prayer.

    I did as he asked then went home and never attended another meeting because I was so embarrssed knowing that other brothers in the hall would have given their left testicles for such privileges but due to the JW pecking order they just weren't 'qualified.'

  • exjdub
    I tried showing up for Field Service™ at the mid-week Service Arrangment™ a few times - after getting up early, sending Mr Scully off to work and Jr. off to school, and getting the baby ready, and having a vehicle to drive with a carseat in it. When nobody wanted to work with me (and the Elder™ conducting the Service Arrangement™ did jacksquat to rearrange things to include me), and going home in tears a few times, I got the effing hint and stayed home and started planning to go back to school.

    Scully, I am so sorry that this happened to you, however if it had not happened you might not be here. So please understand when I say I am glad from another perspective that you were mistreated because now we have you. Interesting story from the Merrimack, NH Cong.: There was a "sister" who was a regular pioneer, along with her fleshly sister. Both of them were real pieces of work. They were quite vocal about not wanting to work out in the field with anyone who had kids and they were not kind about it. Rather than using kindness to encourage and help, these two hags sent many a "sister" home in tears. All the while they thought the whole thing was funny and they were quite smug in their pioneering. Fast forward a few years: The one sister got married and went to Bethel with her husband. The other one stayed behind and got married to an "up and comer" in the Borg who was heading rapidly into elderhood. This couple had grand plans to pioneer and perhaps go to Bethel as well...except that she got pregnant. In fact she got pregnant 3 times in quick succession and all three babies were boys. When I say boys I use the term loosely because they were HELLIANS. Now the Karma part. Guess who was in continuous tears because "nobody wants to work out in field service with [her]"? Yep...the poor thing was at her wits end because the pioneers, and others, didn't want to be in a car with her and her three little bundles of joy. I just couldn't help but smile when I heard about it. Heather and Vicki, if you are out there please understand that you have provided much enjoyment for us since we have left the Borg. We still recount the times that your "love" was overflowing toward others. exjdub

  • blondie

    On returning to the cong. the elders had taken me off carrying the microphone because I was inconsistent in Field service !

    At first I thought that said INCONTINENT.

  • Inquisitor

    There was a young Indian brother in my home congregation who had grown a moustache. I can't remember how he got away with it at the local Kingdom Hall. But when he rocked up at an assembly to do attendant duties, the assembly overseer pulled him aside and informed him that he would not be entitled to that priviledge for being a "bad" example to the brothers.

    Bro. Moustache was furious. But he shaved it off too in the end. You have to play by their rules to climb their ladder I guess.


  • blondie

    Actually, it just depended on which congregation you went to. I live in a large urban area with several congregations. One congregation made it a rule that brothers could not have mustaches and be given "privileges." A neighboring congregation had no problem with servants having mustaches. So the brothers with mustaches all changed congregations.....the first congregation demanded that the second congregation require the brothers in the second congregation to shave their mustaches off...the CO got involved and said that each body of elders could make their own "rules." Animosity persisted for 10 years after that.

    I heard in one congregation the black and hispanic brothers could have mustaches because it was a cultural thing.


  • undercover
    I was taken off the Ministry School talk # 2,couldn't pray for the congregation,was taken off the sound equipment,couldn't pass out literature,couldn't receive a blood card and finally couldn't receive any books because I wasn't considered part of the congregation.

    That's a new on me...I've never heard of someone not DFd being restricted like that. A flood of questions regarding the blood issue raced through my mind as I read that.

    They practically force that blood card and power of attorney shit down your throat but if your singled out as not worthy of receiving that material, what would the elders' accountablitity be if you were in an accident and unable to speak for yourself regarding your wish to not receive blood?

    Not receive literature? How the hell can you be expected to go peddle place it in service if you can't get any? "You're not going out in service enough, so we're going to punish you by not giving you any materials to use in the service that you're already not sharing in."

    I heard in one congregation the black and hispanic brothers could have mustaches because it was a cultural thing.

    Mustaches weren't so much a problem in our area (unless they were too long or came past the corners of the mouth...fu manchu style) but some of the black brothers wore what some people call a "soul patch"...that little bit of hair right under the bottom lip and some also shaved their heads bald. When the white brothers started wearing soul patches and shaving their heads, the elders came down on them for being fadish. When pointed out that the black brothers were already doing the same thing and had been, the elders said that for them it was culturally more accepted and because of their dark skin, it didn't stand out like it does on white skin.

    I'm reminded of something that happened yeasr ago at one hall I was in: One elder that got his panties in a wad because the pioneers and MSs were not wearing full length overcoats in service during the winter. He felt that everyone should dress to the nines (as he did) for service. All the pioneer brothers and MSs were counseled on dress and grooming. Several of us had to go out and buy new overcoats. One MS did not go quietly into that good night and argued that they couldn't enforce that "rule" on anyone. He was seen as rebellious and was watched very closely from then on...to the point that he eventually moved out of the congregation because the elders were looking for ways of DFing him.


    That's a new on me...I've never heard of someone not DFd being restricted like that. A flood of questions regarding the blood issue raced through my mind as I read that.

    They practically force that blood card and power of attorney shit down your throat but if your singled out as not worthy of receiving that material, what would the elders' accountablitity be if you were in an accident and unable to speak for yourself regarding your wish to not receive blood?

    The elder who was in charge of passing out the blood cards at the Service Meeting looked at me and passed me by.I think Blondie mentioned that if you are inactive you are not considered a Witness.I think that was the final staw for me.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    Once again, the sole gauge of a person's spirituality is that column on the Monthly Report card that is entitled "Hours."

    "Sick" wouldn't be too strong a word to use to describe that way of looking at things.


  • steve2

    There's certainly been an extremely strong tradition in the congregations of limiting the so-called privileges to active witnesses and withholding them from the inactive ones.

    But I wonder: As the door-knocking dribbles off - as it seems to have been doing for several years now in many western countries - if some congregations will be forced to give these "privileges" even to those who are teteering on the edge of inactivity in the field?

    Have others noticed this?

  • nonamegiven

    Before my reply, I'll tell you a story I thought of while reading this.

    My brother got me some very nice ties and some nice dress shirts as part of my graduation present. I was very proud (since I grew up in a below average houshold $$-wise) to wear these to the meetings. I wore a black shirt and a tie that looked great with that tie and the suit I was wearing. Anyway, I was counsled not to wear anything but white shirt on the platform and to the meetings for that matter. I listened like a good little lemming. A few months later this same elder wore a all black suit with red shoes, red tie and a red kerchief in the pocket.

    Anyway, on to my reply. I was told that I couldn't handle mike's anymore because my attendance was down. The elders felt that when I was there I needed to pay attention to the meetings rather than carry mikes (like I ever paid attention, I usually day-dreamed). Anyway, I overcame that. Within a few years I was an MS handling the scheduling for all cong duties (mike handlers, stage, sound, security during the meetings), lit servant, accounts servant so I suppose either paying attention helped..........or maybe it was changing congregations haha.

    Years later (10 years and 2 congs later to be exact) I was still an MS and married. My wife and I had the personal tragedy of our son dying. I was (we were) devistated and it showed in my meeting attendance and service. I was depressed. I asked the PO for help numerous times and didn't see any. I expressed my need for help with my depression and the questions that come with loosing a child. Again, nothing. Anyway, the point of my story is that when I moved to another house and another congregation, I was told me letter stated I wasn't in a position to be an MS. I lacked the spirituality to be an MS. Funny how the elders knew I was in such a dire spiritual state but didn't help me.

    Anyway (sorry to hijack) I had all my privlidges taken away for my lack of spirituality. Look where I am now hahaha.

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