HELLO!! Newbie Alert!

by Do Not Call 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I did welcome you on another thread. Great that you decided to start
    your own introduction thread. We are going to ask personal questions-
    answer as much as you want to, or don't. Either way-

  • Do Not Call
    Do Not Call

    Thanks again for your welcome.
    I plan on posting here regularly, but as it's my husband's PC I only have access now and then. (He didn't buy me a PC for Xmas!)
    I'm off to feed the hungry kids now, so I'll see you all later.

    Love, DNC xx

  • bernadette

    Good for you and your husband.

    I'm fading too - husband still in- bit my daughter has also started fading

    Being here makes it all much easier.



  • SirNose586
    I'm not DF or DA, just faded a few years ago because of inconsistencies in WT teachings etc.
    My hubbie left first and got me examining my beliefs. I left a few months later.

    We are much happier now!!

    You're quite lucky to have that situation. I've read many stories from members who left and are trying to get their spouse out, but to no effect...

    In any case, welcome to the boards, and I look forward to reading your perspective on things!

  • fokyc

    Hi 'Do Not Call',

    Welcome to the forum, you are surrounded by friends here.

    Keep posting when you can.


  • twinkletoes

    A very big welcome DNC and of course Mr DNC, who appears to have led you in the right direction. We are quite close to the Welsh borders - Hereford.

    We hope to hear from you again soon

    You will find many of your questions answered here, they are a great bunch.

    Twinkletoes and Kaytee (husband)

  • Do Not Call
    Do Not Call

    Hereford eh, Twinkletoes and Kaytee?

    Close enough for coffee and biscuits!!

  • reneeisorym


  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Wecome too the forum DNC...

  • twinkletoes

    Hello DNC

    You may like to read of our resignation letter - it's a long one though ! click on the link below


    Yes, we are definately close enough for coffee and biscuits. We must arrange a visit, if you would like to take us up on the offer.

    Twinkletoes and Kaytee

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