Anyone have ever seen a ghost (spirit)?

by Nicolas 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nicolas

    When I was going at the kingdom hall with my father (I was very young), it happened from time to time that the subject of spirits entered in the conversation. Then at this point, it seemed that everyone had their own little story to tell about the spirits of the devils.

    Personnally, I'm always skeptic about these things and I won't believe it until I see it. Do you consider that every story we hear about haunted house can ben explained by something natural rather than the supernatural? I've never seen one story that couldn't be explained naturally or debunked. By example, it is now known that the Amityville horror story was a hoax (unfortunately, I don't remember at which website I found this information).

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I have seen shadow ghosts and heard ghastly audio paranormal phenomenon within the walls of my fathers turn of the century farm house. So has my brother at the same time with me. We are not nuts and are very logical people. Check if you want my topic on demonic expereinces.

  • FMZ

    I've seen and spoken with orbs (little floating balls of light). I have never seen a "ghost" as such though.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey Nicolas,

    This is too weird. I turned off GHOST [the movie with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore] five minutes ago to check the action here at JWD. And here you are! Right after it came out about 16 years ago, we had a service meeting part on why we should not be watching it. So many had gone to see it, then subsequently bought the video. I had a clairvoyant aunt whom I felt had "the gift." But, of course, we thought it was the demons. I do believe there are unseen forces out there, but so much is in a new context for me that I need time to re-evaluate. Maybe I'll have something to tell you when the movie [tape] is over!


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    These floating orbs are worthy of mention. Check out secret I have seen them in some of my photographs at the Y where countles homeles and invalid people have died. Some of these orbs in photgraphs can be mistaken for camera defects or other phenomenon in lighting and photography such as dust, snow etc. There are however what I beleive to genuine orbs that exist. I do not discount your expereince. Howvever I have never heard of someone able to see this in there own presence nor have I heard of someone communicating with them. Very interesting. Perhaps you have some dead relatives that are watching your back. If you have talked to them you are obviously not getting a bad vibe.

  • freedom96

    Yes the house I grew up in had a ghost, or whatever you want to call it.

    I have experienced it, and I know it is real. What was it exactly? I don't know. I suspect he was the original owner of the house which was over a hundred years old. All I really know is that it wasn't of this world, as we know it.

    I understand those who don't want to believe, however, I think it is very narrow minded of those who choose to blast someone who has experienced this type of thing, just because they never experienced it.

  • Warlock

    Please go to my Topic History, and read "My Haunted Office".


  • Mystla

    I saw one once.. my MIL has seen a couple. I have no proof and don't feel the need to try to justify it, I know what I saw, and I believe my MIL.

    This doesn't mean that I don't think people make stuff up to get attention.. I mean, look at warlock! (Just Kidding!!!)

    We have problems with what we call "gremlins" for lack of a better name. Silly things like car keys turning up in a place you would never ever have put them and such are pretty common. A shirt I got out and packed for a trip turning up back in the drawer under the rest of the clothes... The one that sticks out the most is the time we got a letter from VA, one we had been waiting for, we read it, I put it aside.. a few days later we needed that letter and I couldn't find it.. we looked high and low, I tore the house apart looking for that letter, no luck. Two days later it came in the mail.

    I realise these are not visual things, which the title of the thread requested, but we can't explain them and find them interesting. The ghost I saw was an old man on my lawn.. there one second and gone the next... I know what I saw.

    And I believe Warlock, too.. maybe that makes me gullible, but he sounds sincere, and put together with things I have seen and heard.. I believe him.

    I sound defensive, don't I? a few to many of these: will do that!


    Personnally, I'm always skeptic about these things and I won't believe it until I see it.

    Why ask the question if you already have your mind made up?

    Admitting to seeing something other worldly is like starting a political thread, you better be ready for the fireworks!


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I just finished reading your topic post on "My haunted office" It seems you are another fellow who has visually experienced floating orbs and audio paranormal phenomenon. I suspect that that mormon lady took that energy with her when she left if you no longer are experiencing these things. It strikes me as strange that neither her nor you were scared out of your wits. Maybe like the above post of the man who spoke with the orb that he witnessed it didn't give off a bad vibe. Myself I know these things exist and some of them are very evil. I have no desire to ever experience these things again. Beleive it or not some of this phenomenon is recorded in sound, in pictures and on video. All the bullshit has been weeded out and given serious consideration for hoaxes, camera tricks etc. What is left is chilling and unexplainable. Again I say check out secret crypt .com it's worth it!

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