Skeptical of the Apostates Motivation

by The wanderer 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    He believes that many individuals leave the truth because it is hard; and they look for any miscue to escape the organization and their responsibility to God

    Hard, joyless, unforgiving, demanding. yup the JW life is hard. But for many people it offers a tremendous amount of safety.

    • No need to consider how to deal with a problem. The WTS has an answer for everything.
    • No need to wonder how to dress appropriately for various occasions. The WTS lets them know what to wear.
    • No need to save for the future and retirement. The WTS says this system won't be around long enough to worry about it.
    • No need to work to get an education. The WTS says that it won't be needed.
    • No need to think for yourself. The WTS does that for you.

    If you ask me, change, any type of change, means swapping one set of problems for another. I worked hard to get an education and raise 2 children. It wasn't easy and I wonder now how I managed to do that. I worked hard to learn how to make wise decisions and I'm still working on that. It is hard to figure out what to believe rather than have it spoon fed to me.

  • steve2

    We left because we couldn't take the hard demands of life in the organization?! Utter rubbish.

    I'll admit the choice of road is stunning in its clarity, but the implications in the here and now significant for those who leave:

    • Stay and continue turning all of your life's decisions over to the cloistering hands of mortal men in Brooklyn New York.
    • Or grow up and take charge of your own life: Leave and take responsibility for your life.

    It's damn hard without plastic promises and belief in vain predictions that there will be no more tears etc. Hell, it's hard taking responsibility for you life. But it's called being an adult. I wouldn't have it any other way...unless I decide to return to the cosy warmth of the nursery...

  • parakeet

    "He believes that many individuals leave the truth because it is hard; and they look for any miscue to escape the organization and their responsibility to God."

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