Skeptical of the Apostates Motivation

by The wanderer 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    "He believes that many jw's leave because it is hard". What does he base his belief on. Can he give you some examples of those who he knows left for that reason. What he believes is not what matters. What matters is that millions have left for whatever reason. Is he aware that many have been abused, disillusioned, lied to, families torn apart, these numbers far out way any who leave because it is too hard to measure up to Watchtower standards. For some it was harder to leave because of family members still in. For some it's harder to stay because they don't want to lose family and friends, so , they go through the motions.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Of course, I disagree with that statement.

    Is the life of somebody that leaves any eaiser? Do they simply go out and indulge in the pleasure of this world?

    The problem is that there are things your friend cannot see, because he is 'trapped in a box' in a sense. Blinded to the outside world.

    JWs leave for good reasons, JWs leave for bad reasons. There is one important point in all of this. JWs are only allowed to 'see' the ones who leave for bad reasons.

    Anybody that leaves the JWs and takes on a new form of religion is apostate, dissassociated, evil and not to be listened to. These ones are so poisonous that a current member of the JW faith would not even want to listen to such a person for one second. Since current JWs believers are so affraid of those who leave for doctrinal reasons they never actually see what they become. There are many who become much more devoted in their faith after leaving the JWs. There are those that do not. The point is that your friend really only knows about the ones that don't do anything, and is completely blind to those that do.

    The organization has told him all his life that people only leave for bad reasons, because they are selfish. But how does he really know this is a fact???

  • VanillaMocha73

    Hard when they tell you to stay in a life-threatening and dangerous relationship? Yes - that is hard. Was it God's requirements? No. Remind you of the Pharisees - they bind up heavy loads on men and refuse to budge them with a little finger.

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Blueblades:

    As usual you present the right "arguement."

    Thanks for the thought provoking questions.


    The Wanderer

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Drew:

    Another winner!


    The Wanderer

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I would also add that your friend no doubt puts himself in the catagory of 'those who leave for selfish reasons'. He feels that he is selfish and that anybody else that leaves is just like him.

    Mabye a good way to get him to open up is asking him if it is possible for a member to leave for valid reasons. Just ask him if it is a possiblity. If you are able to get him to say yes, then you may then be able to tell him 'then what reason do you have not to listen to people who think they have a legitimate reason'.

    Might be a good way to lead him to 'Crisis of Consciene' or other simliar books.

  • Dismembered

    I left because many people there sucked out loud.


  • 5go
    My jw says the same thing. He can't believe that anyone could leave simply due to it not being the truth and doctrinal issues. No, all you apostates want to do is go out and sin and drink, have sex, and generally be immoral. You can't handle living the jw lifestyle. If he ever gets his brain back I wonder what kind of condition it will be in.

    The drinking and sex is what opened my mind to how hypocritical the witnesses are thier kids are some of the worst. Most of my worldy friends do this but they usualy leave home first and don't hide it as much from thier parents. Oh and they aren't pretending to have god's backing while hiding it.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    That is dumb reasoning

    they look for any miscue to escape the organization and their responsibility to God

    If it was GODS ORGANIZATION why the hell would I want to leave in the 1st place????

    I left because I found out that it WASN'T GODS ORGANIZATION. I served my ass off 10 years at BETHEL.


    Wanderer..That is a typical,WBT$ cookie cutter response to the real problems in the religion..Your friend dosen`t have a point.He dosen`t even have an opinion of his own..People leave because of the corruption in the WBT$ and the cult they run the Jehovah`s Witness`s..What ever happened to: Armageddon in 1975..1914 the Generation that would never pass away..No Blood..All the people that died in Mallowi..The UN scandel..The paedophile scandel..The Rand Cam Scandel..WBT$ accepting profits from stock in tobbaco giant Phillip Morris..Ect,ect,ect..The list is a lot bigger than this..Jehovah`s Witness`s don`t need to look for problems in the WBT$ and Jehovah`s Witness`s,they`re drowning in them...OUTLAW

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