Being materialistic, as a disfellowshipping reason.

by free2beme 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    My sister and I, are my mothers only two children. We were both Witnesses at one point, I left ten year ago and my sister left in 2005. My mother remains as the only Witness left in my immediate family. While my sister and I make good money, with our careers and duel income in marriage, we don't talk about it much. My mother, on the other hand, is married to a man who owns a airplane engine manufacturing company. I know it sounds all prestigious and all, but don't over estimate it, it is not Boeing. They rebuild engines that work in fire bombers, and other prop planes. My mother lives in a small town, and in that town, the 30 people they employee is a big deal. They moved the business there from a large city in California, as it does not matter where they are based for their business, as they ship to people and no one comes to their plant.

    As a Witness, my mother is the king of all nags. Always making small attempt to bug my sister into wanting to go back, using guilt and other control items. My sister is closer to her, then I am, so that is the reason for the focus. Constantly we hear about how spiritual she is, and how she will live through Armageddon. Yet at the same time, my mother is the most materialistic person I have even known or met in my life. She will call me out of the blue to brag about a car she bought, when she hears my father bought my son something, we will suddenly get a shipment from UPS with toys or clothing in it to compete (We use it to our advantage at times, I admit). My conversations with her are always about, what she owns, what she is buying or how the town kisses her butt for having so much money spent in their town. She brags about her money, over and over and over and over again. If she does it with me and my sister, what about with the Witnesses?

    Well my sister decided to check. She called a friend she knew up there, who attends from time to time and asked what people were thinking of my mom. She explained that the elders wives wont talk to her, as they think she is too materialistic and they have wondered why the elders do not do something about it. She mentioned that my mom does not shut up about what she owns, is buying or how much money they make. People have been driven away in disgust, and are irritated with her arrogance. Why then do the elders do nothing? Well two of the five elders in this small town work for her, and rumor has it, that they do not want to rock the boat and ruin a good job. Weird!

    Do you know anyone actually disfellowshipped for being materialistic? In all the time I was a Witness, or around them, I know none.

  • lighthouse19something

    I never heard of anyone being df for materialism, but have heard of big donations as being proof of not being so. I went to a kh that had Lexus', Cadillacs, Mercedes and Lincolns in the parking lot.

    Do you think your mother could flaunting her money as a way of getting you to come back to wts? Has she threatened to cutoff inheritances if you don't come back?

  • free2beme
    Do you think your mother could flaunting her money as a way of getting you to come back to wts? Has she threatened to cutoff inheritances if you don't come back?

    My mother is married to a man with money, but it is only hers while she is alive and with him. If she dies, we have been told we would get nothing. As he wants it to be for him and his children only. He is not someone we are close too, and since it is my mothers third husband, we don't know if it will last forever. We would get nothing in her death, so nothing to threaten us with.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I've never heard of people getting DF'd for it, but I have heard of people getting talked to or "counseled".

    Of course it depends on who you are. There was this elder in my congregation growing up who was so materialistic, always throwing his money around in other people's faces, but it was OK because he was an elder. It was pretty sick.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I know the wts officially counsels against materialism, but people with money tended to be very popular in the congregation I used to be in, especially when the elders were looking for loans a few years ago to help finance the kh refurbishment project. Even those who would not have been thought of as overly spiritual would get on in the kh if they had money and were prepared to contribute generously to the congregation.

    Perhaps your mum puts plenty of $ in the box at the back of the hall, and the elders are aware of this, so they are prepared to tolerate he boasting about how much she has, because that kind of talk would be a total turn off for people who aren't so well off.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    sorry, double post

  • free2beme

    I know the wealthy people in my congregation did loans and a lot gave jobs to the people in the congregation. I just don't remember them being so in your face about it.

  • joe_black

    I also knew of several situations where rich, materialistic JW's would donate substantial amounts in the box monthly which in turn would make the elders turn a blind eye on them and their childrens offenses. Most "common" poorer JW's and their children would be DF'd or reproved for some of the things that the rich wouldn't even be counseled on. So in my observation making tons of $$$$ isn't a sin to the "society" UNLESS you're NOT giving them any.

  • Honesty

    Materialism is all the JW's know.


    After Army-Gedan I'm going to move into the house at 1234 Mountain Overlook Drive.

    When the New System gets here we can just walk around the world staying in other people's houses who are doing the same thing because there will not be any locked doors in the New System.

    Just think... our very own zoo in the backyard.

  • Odrade

    I don't think you can be df'd for materialism, unless you use illegal means to get your possessions. It may be that she flaunts her material things because that's the only way to get a leg up on the other sisters. She's a woman, third marriage, is her husband a "non-believer?" Does she pioneer? It doesn't sound like she has any personal power or status in the congregation. She may use wealth as a way to be noticed. Of course that doesn't excuse her behavior. She sounds like a real peach. *cough*cough* no offense.

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