and now we have to silence you

by A Paduan 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    If a jw reads jw pulications, figures out it looks like a sham, and then brings up the inconvenient truths to "the wrong people" - is that all it takes to get silenced - ousted - removed - ceased etc ??

  • SirNose586


  • Abandoned

    You may get a visit from the mafia elders where you are intimidated lovingly adjusted back to your former, brainwashed christian way of thinking.

  • truthsetsonefree

    You bet. I'm getting that right now. And I've just been doing a fade.

  • Stealth453
  • garybuss

    Or, just bring up something absolutely true, but inconvenient, like NGO status in association with the United Nations.

  • Dansk

    Sadly, it's true! The organisation doesn't tolerate dissenters, even if the dissenter is acting through moral reasons.


  • geevee

    Yes, but dont forget the leadership is made up of imperfect men who make mistakes............. ;-))

  • Mary
    If a jw reads jw pulications, figures out it looks like a sham, and then brings up the inconvenient truths to "the wrong people" - is that all it takes to get silenced - ousted - removed - ceased etc ??

    In a nut shell: YES. If you've got a half decent elder body, they might actually give you a "warning" first to see if that'll scare the beJeezus out of you enough to keep your mouth shut; the Dub version of "We're gonna make you an offer you can't refuse." But for the most part, you get hauled before their 3 man kangaroo court for a Medieval Inquisition, which is just the preludge to the formal punishment: expulsion for 'apostacy'.

  • gumby

    If you've got a half decent elder body, they might actually give you a "warning" first to see if that'll scare the beJeezus out of you enough to keep your mouth shut

    If a person is tricky enough, they can ask questions in a way that sounds sincere and they might get away with it for awhile.......but when it gets around to the elders that your questions have come to the ears of several publishers ( fellow witnesses), then as Mary said, you'll be watched for apostacy against the organisation


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