AWAKE! Urges Questions on United Nations

by compound complex 22 Replies latest social current

  • observador


    about your point #1 above: The WT not only doesn't mention the UN at that 2003 article you mention, but doesn't mention it at all either in its recent worldwide distribution tract precisely on the topic of 'end of religion'.

    And that's why my theory is that the UN doctrine will fade completely overtime and JWs will loose memory of it, the old ones getting very upset and the new ones surprised that the doctrine even existed.

  • NewYork44M

    Wasn't there a recent new light related to the "Disgusting thing that causes desolation" from Matt 24?

    I grew up being taught that that was the League of Nations followed by the United Nations. That has recently changed to "we will have to wait and find out."

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Observador and New York 44M,

    Thanx for your comments. Yes, it could very well become forgotten and/or we'll just have to wait and see! Off to the graveyard of discarded doctrine.


  • willyloman
    "Jehovah's Witnesses firmly believe that the United Nations is going to play a major role in world events in the very near future. No doubt these developments will be very exciting. And the results will have a far-reaching impact on your life..."

    Well, they finally got something right.

    This prophecy came true, if "world events" means "in the Watchtower world." The UN began shortly thereafter to play a very major role in the dub world. This did lead to developments that were "exciting" and in fact did have "a far-reaching impact" on the lives of many JWs.

    It had a major impact on the WTS itself, too, because many JWs were so shocked by the blatant hypocrisy surrounding the UN/NGO scam that they walked out on the WTS and never went back. The Watchtower leaders were forced into damage control mode, had to drop their relationship with the UN like a hot coal, and began to issue misinformation up the wazoo to its followers. It wasn't their finest hour, and they know it. It's sure to come back to haunt them one day.

  • blondie

    1999 Change in "disgusting thing" doctrine. Previously, the WTS taught that this was fulfilled when the League of Nations was put in the place of God's kingdom by the "Christian" religions on earth.

    *** w82 11/15 p. 5 Flee While There Is Yet Time! ***

    In the year 1919 they proposed the League of Nations, which leading clergymen proclaimed to be "the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth." Likewise, religious leaders have described the League’s successor, the United Nations, brought forth in 1945, as ‘the sole hope for lasting peace.’ So the clergy would have this man-made makeshift stand in the "holy place" where only God’s kingdom by his Christ may now rightfully operate. A "disgusting thing," indeed, in the sight of God and all lovers of righteousness!

    Now though:

    *** w99 8/15 p. 29 Do You Remember? ***

    Why is it logical to say that there will be a future "standing in a holy place" by "the disgusting thing"? (Matthew 24:15)

    In the ancient pattern, ‘the disgusting thing standing in a holy place’ was linked to the Roman attack under General Gallus in 66 C.E. The modern-day parallel to that attack—the outbreak of the "great tribulation"—is still ahead. (Matthew 24:21) So "the disgusting thing that causes desolation" is yet to stand in a holy place.—5/1, pages 16, 17.


    So . . . lemmeeee see if I have it straight . . . *scratches head*

    Ask your local jw what the UN is up to . . . ???

    Are the jws partners with the UN? What am I missing here?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Willy, Blondie, and Estee,

    Thank you for your comments and questions. Thanx so much, Blondie, for the scans. That helped clarify the what and when of the doctrine and change. I'd never thought, Willy, about the prophecy coming true in the WT world. A whole new perspective! Am looking fo info on your "?" Estee.

    Appreciate your participation.


  • NewYork44M


    Thanks for the references. It seems to me that prior to the new light we believed that the "discusting thing" was seperate from the start of the Great Trib. With the new light the "discusting thing" marked the beginning of the GT.

    It seems to me that there was a gap in time between changing the new light to the 1999 article that discarded the whole League of Nations/UN=discusting thing.

    I remember when the changed the discusting thing dogma and thinking that the whol UN thing did not make sense. I guess I was getting ahead of the holy spirit. MY BAD.

  • Quandry

    1999 Change in "disgusting thing" doctrine. Previously, the WTS taught that this was fulfilled when the League of Nations was put in the place of God's kingdom by the "Christian" religions on earth.

    *** w82 11/15 p. 5 Flee While There Is Yet Time! ***

    In the year 1919 they proposed the League of Nations, which leading clergymen proclaimed to be "the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth." Likewise, religious leaders have described the League’s successor, the United Nations, brought forth in 1945, as ‘the sole hope for lasting peace.’ So the clergy would have this man-made makeshift stand in the "holy place" where only God’s kingdom by his Christ may now rightfully operate. A "disgusting thing," indeed, in the sight of God and all lovers of righteousness!

    Now though:

    *** w99 8/15 p. 29 Do You Remember? ***

    Why is it logical to say that there will be a future "standing in a holy place" by "the disgusting thing"? (Matthew 24:15)

    In the ancient pattern, ‘the disgusting thing standing in a holy place’ was linked to the Roman attack under General Gallus in 66 C.E. The modern-day parallel to that attack—the outbreak of the "great tribulation"—is still ahead. (Matthew 24:21) So "the disgusting thing that causes desolation" is yet to stand in a holy place.—5/1, pages 16, 17.

    How in the world did I sit there week after week and listen and prepare for every WT study and try to read everything and not catch this? It is no wonder I always felt inadequate at the doors talking to people. Unless you had some photographic memory you could not possible keep up with the shifting, weaving, waffling, changing "light" from the society. I always thought that I was the one who had a faulty understanding. Inside I would think, "But didn't the WT say something opposite from this earlier? No, it is me. I wasn't reading it right. I don't study enough." In this case the more you know, the more confused you become!!!!

    Not to mention the fact that the WTS wanted people in the Khalls to do the dirty work of telling people about the "exciting developments" with the U.N. The way the magazine reads, the U.N. is wonderful and then would expect the rank and file to tell them it's an agent of Satan.

    That's like writing an article "Exciting developments are going on in the gay community" --ask Jehovah's Witnesses about them.

    Thanks, Blondie for bringing this to my attention.


    Quite frankly, I don't care if the Society is in bed with the UN. They can do what they please. It is of no concern to me. Just makin' small talk.


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