Utterances from the mouths of JW`s that prove they are in a cult. Any?

by jambon1 21 Replies latest jw friends


    "Mother says..."


  • OnTheWayOut

    We are serving Jehovah, not an organization.
    Just accept it (some problem or doctrine) and wait on Jehovah
    to straighten it out.

  • avidbiblereader

    "AREN'T WE THE BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH" a CO at a circuit assembly

    They all clapped like a bunch of seals

    "When the wicked die I want to have my lawn chair set up and watch them"

    an auxillary pioneering when he was turned down at a door.


  • M.J.

    "When any questions like that come into my head, I just get rid of them and refuse to think about them."
    Other cults actually train their members to trigger an verbal affirmation when this happens. Someone was telling me that he was familiar with the "Children of God" in California, I think it was. They were told that saying "praise you, Jesus!" was a way to ward off evil, and evil thoughts. So when this guy I know approached one of them and asked them a tough question regarding their group, the member just zoned out and said, "praise you, Jesus!", regained his composure and smile, and went on just as if the question hadn't been asked.

  • M.J.

    I think that the Watchtower magazine is strategically subtle in a lot of ways, but the comments generated during the WT study meeting is where a lot of the overt control dialogue comes out, while everyone nods in agreement.

  • avidbiblereader

    How do you really know?

    Isn't that what they are implying by telling everybody that they are not qualified to read the Bible and come to a conclusion but must wait for the FD to interpret it for them.

    Didn't someone else say those words?


  • OnTheWayOut

    From this past weekend's WT study article (also from Blondie's review of same):

    Q3) Why are some no longer Jehovah's Witnesses?

    3 Some who once had faith have not remained in God's love. Because they have chosen to pursue a
    sinful course, they are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses. How can you avoid such an experience?
    Meditating on the following points may help you to refrain from sin and to keep yourself in God's love.

    It was mentioned in this thread that the WT is full of things that prove they are a cult.

    This is a cult. Many examples can be found of giving a leading question that they only want
    the parrot-answer to. Imagine if someone answered this way:

    Some have decided that they disagree with WTS doctrines, and even though they still love
    God and have high moral values, they leave Jehovah's Witnesses.

    This is almost totally opposite of the parrot-answer, yet it is as valid an answer as the other.
    I thought about saying that, but imagine the talking to and eventual DF I would get.
    YET, there was no apostasy or sin or blasphemy or anything wrong with that statement.

  • MsMcDucket

    When an elder told me something that I didn't agree with, I remember them telling me to not question an elder.

    And I didn't like the fact that the elders could question a person about their sex life. Some elders were so nosey. They'd ask you any question that popped up into their heads. I would be mortified! I'd go home and I'd tell my husband about it. My husband was like that man must be crazy.

    Also, they'd tell me that I was weak and that I didn't have faith in Jehovah because I couldn't imagine myself being happy in a paradise earth. I didn't want to play with the animals or reconstruct things. I told them I'd find me a nice cave somewhere and line it with bear skin rugs and stuff. I imagined that if I made it to the "New System" that I'd be living like the Flintstones. I didn't want anyone's house.

    I guess they were right about not having faith in Jehovah; but I don't feel as bad about it now.

  • avidbiblereader

    Excellent point OnTheWayOut,

    I remember being at the BS and it was the review of The Greatest Man book. I brought up the fact in my 3 minute comment that the Roman soldier who didnt feel he was worthy of Christ coming to his house and said just give the word. Jesus said that he had more faith than anyone in all of Isreal, that would have included his apostles and other followers. I applied it to people who the witness condemn in the world may have more faith than witnesses. You could have heard a pin drop and we were on carpet. The study conductor just wanted me to shup up. I thought it was a great application as yours is also.


  • Scully



    Plus this gem that was said to me:

    If you're going to turn your back on The Truth™, your three beautiful children would be better off if you took them out in the back yard and blew their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and will have a Resurrection™ in the Paradise™.

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