
by depressed 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • depressed

    Just wondering if anyone else feels the same way.

    I've been out of the organization for about 4 years, but I still love Jehovah and Jesus, and I want to serve them the right way. Does anyone here feel a great sense of religious confusion now that you are not attending meetings?

    At the moment, I feel miserable, since I'm going through a divorce. My husband, who was a bethelite cheated on me with an older woman from his job. He's lying about it, his family doesn't believe me, and I'm being shunned as if things are my fault and I'm the greatest trouble maker since the snake over at the garden of Eden. I'm still trying to get over this entire divorce ordeal and the events since then. However, meanwhile, I feel very lonely, depressed, can't stop thinking about my injustice, and all I'm left with is an uncertain future.

  • AlmostAtheist

    I can't say I share the "lost" feeling, but I can sympathize.

    Have you tried any other churches? The JW's told lies about the churches, made them out to be all the same, and not at all interested in the Bible. But you'll find that isn't the case. If you poke around at your local churches, it's likely you'd find one you're comfortable in.

    You're going through a tough time right now, feelings like yours are to be expected. Not that it makes it easier, but at least you know you're not unusual, or alone.

    Could you describe some of the things you do now for yourself and your spirituality?


  • proplog2

    You are going through some tough times. Don't worry about the religious stuff right now. If you are depressed you had better get some professional help.

    Getting your emotional state above the line is the most important thing.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi depressed,

    I don't personally have any religious interests, but a friend of mine who left recently now attends a Baptist church, and is really happy doing so. I agree with Almost Atheist, of you visit a few churches, you will most likely soon find one that fills your spiritual need, without the total commitment that the wts demands of its members.

    My friend has found that there is a spiritual life, and a better one, away from the watchtower, I hope you can too.


  • depressed

    I guess that my problem is that since I was a kid, the "truth" has been ingrained in me. I started pioneering at 16, was accepted to bethel at 21 - served there for a good 5 years, until I married a fellow bethelite, then left the organization on my own at the ripe age of 30. I'm now 35, and my husband recently left me and I'm alone.

    Nothing really draws me. I have no interest in anything.

    Everybody tells me that I'm attractive, etc, but I have no desires to go out and party or go to clubs, nor do I have any desires to date. I certainly don't want to go back to the meetings - as I'm very resented of the way my inlaws are being allowed to treat me, and how they call themselves PO's and pioneers, yet they are financing the divorce - and I don't even know what the reasons are that my soon to be ex husband gave them for doing this. What kills me is that they know that I'm confused, but they think that I'm playing games with them. They do not care how I feel - as long as their son is no longer with me, I guess.

    I have a few "worldly" friends, but they are married, or committed, so I usually find myself being alone during the weekends, or evenings. So, I kind of wanted to do something "spriritual" to take my mind out of this torture. But I agree, I do need counseling as my own mother and my "worldly" friends have suggested. I didn't think that I was that bad, but I guess I am.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I didn't think that I was that bad, but I guess I am.

    It's not that YOU are bad, it's that you've been thrust into some bad circumstances that you were never designed to handle. Therapy can help you navigate an otherwise very difficult path.

    How did you get into Bethel, as a "mere" woman? I thought they only let the lowly females in if they were married?


  • JamesThomas

    You are certainly not alone; and depression, under the circumstances, may be a healthy sign.

    The problem with religion is it mistakenly reduces our major significance to an object or deity(s) separate and apart from the reality of our being in this present moment (the only reality there ever is). Such beliefs are inherently depressing, isolating and painful. Good news is, it's all a lie.

    Though dedicated deity-worshippers seldom comprehend what I am saying, it may be time for you to stop accepting the religious notion that what you seek is so limited, conditional and tiny as to be absent from the truth of your own immediate existence. Stop giving credence to nameable images formed from the dust of someone else's imagination (the Bible), and look deeper into the truth and actuality of your own intimate sense of being and existing. Spend less time lost in the drama weaved by the mind, and give more silent attention the what it is to breath and be alive, right here, right now.


  • depressed

    lol, I had "special skills". I had network admin skills, however, I worked in the factory.

  • Outaservice

    I don't know what area of the country you live in, but I would say it is highly probable that other ex-JW's live somewhere near you that could be of a support. Let the area be known to the board here and/or you might try calling the ex-JW Help-Line at 1-800-Why-1914 as they know of different people in different areas who would be willing to help.

    In the meantime, I would suggest prayer, since you are a believer (as I am) as real help is to be found in The Lord.


  • agent7

    Dear Lost ,

    Please realize that depression is common when you go through anything like this, especially in times when everyone who has family that in some way rejects them because of misunderstandings , opinions , of even religious bios ,as is very typical in the brotherhood . Many families do not reach out simply because they have no clue what to do ....They arent licensed councelors , especially in your situation and dont want to be responsible if you go the wrong way .

    Yet your case is not unusual , as it happens to especially those who have served at bethel ,or any other dedicated way and given their lifesworth of publishing the truth . And as is anyone that Satan has finally driven a wedge between to destroy , you will typically fall apart at first ... ,lose your joy , lose your zeal , and possibly your dedication to a small degree .

    You find predjudice in the brothers , or your family , and possibly the professional councelors that help you in your depression . Because you want things as they were , and thats been lost with no restoration point .

    But you can recover. In my case it took 2 years to get over my wife , of whom had 2 afffairs within 2 years . I forgave her for the first one at work ....we moved on . But she never found her focus . And she fell back into it again , a year later with a disfellowshipped brother who cheated on his wife and 2 children .

    In my case we had 1 child . So total loss was 2 families , 3 children , multiple inlaws , many quit the truth , many movedaway , and on trying to regain mentally without family as they had it ......and it was a tragedy for most .

    The main point of my reply is this . Sister Loss , you have to regroup . You have just been ambushed by Satans mercinaries to stop the preaching work in your sector . Remember the Witnesses are the Only group of people out there getting the work done in the preaching activity on the Local level , Finding people , baptising them , and then teaching them to " observe " all the things he commanded us .

    That was your dedication , that is your mission in life ,

    What you are going through is being allowed by Jehovah for a possible reason of justified purification of his people .....the bad part was it was your husband who didnt fulfill his part to serve and protect the family , he literally helped in its destruction himself , but through satans influence .

    The result will be either your productive response in getting back in there and helping the rest of us dedicated brothers who keep up the " fine fight " ...never givng up on our main support , Christ Jesus.. And Jehovah , our Rock and Foundation.

    Most likely as in my case ..it wasnt till i finally decided to move to a new hall , make new friends who knew nothing of me and my circumstances ...yet allowing me to continue in my dedicated service , did i feel Jehovahs support in my efforts .

    My depression over my family disappeared , and new ones came into my life to replace them ...Yet I survived . And Satan Didnt stop me .

    Ps . Please realize most opinions in here are Apostate opinions of people who didnt recover , or worse ....fornicators , adulterers , themselves ( 1 Cor 6 :9, 10 ) And It would a shame to mix with them either in there ideas or pursuites , for the results would be as negative as their ideas .

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