HELP.Can a Jehovahs Witness accept anything to do with Christmas

by 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    The LJW@W (local JW at work) accepted a holiday bonus, and a giftwrapped box of assorted cheeses, which he immediately proceeded to eat (the cheese, that is).

  • jaguarbass

    If you put some money in the card they maybe able to go against their bible trained (watchtower trained) conscience and accept it.

  • Bstndance
    The candy cane would probably be ok AFTER Christmas! The magic goes out of all Christmas related items for jw's after the 25th.

    Same with all of those pagan holidays. Oh how we would stock up on discount cadbury eggs and peeps after easter. Or, candy corn after Halloween.

  • xjwms





  • Plummet

    You could send them a card that reads

    "I was going to give you a $300 Gift card for Best buy. . .

    . . . But since you don't celebrate Christmas this greeting card will have to do."


  • Blueblades

    The Watchtower says follow your conscience. But, you better watch out you better not pout Santa's Elders are coming to town.


  • hambeak

    Plummet what a great Idea I love it

  • orangefatcat

    I believe any organization that excepts donations from the Philip Morris Company ( remember cigarrettes) should allow any JW;s to recieve gifts for Christmas. Or who recieve any goods from non witness organizations to help in relief work or the poor. They won't look after you. Believe me I have been there. They are not caring in the least.

    They can't say one thing is wrong and justify another that is equally wrong.. But they do and so they are as we all know hypocrties.

    One of the most dispicable things I abhor on the part of the WTS is that they gladly take dontaions from other organizations and yet they don't give their own people help with like a food bank for familys' in dire straits. They say they do everything on QT and don't brag about it. What BS. I think that they will at times assist JWs but look out if you are a meeting misser even if it is because of illness they deny you help, they scrutinze your field service records. your conduct and if in THEIR Opinion you don't live up or measure up to their so called standards than forget it they will never give you any assistance. They would let you strave. They would rather ignore you and hope you'll go away.

    They say they help in countries that have had disasters, maybe so, but again what is your statis in the congregation. Do they like you or are you a family that rubs the elders the wrong way. Look out they are not your friends in Christ.

    Because of times that were bad in our lives finically we had to turn to local food banks many of which are run by a group of churches. and the Shriners Masons, Lions ,Legions etc and yet the Society won't help you and then your depised because you sought the help of these other organizations. For years I have excepted dontations of food and clothes from the Santa claus funds or Sally Anns. at Christmas time and I didn't give a damn what the cong. or org. thought.

    These other organizations are wonderful people and they don't care what religion you are as they never ask. They give out of the goodness of their hearts and know that each of us are fellow neighbours, It is too bad the Organizaion doesn't have a all these other wonderful organizations.

    orangefatcat is mad, but glad cause its CHRISTMAS and I Can have a great time while other witnesses are Miserable...

  • M.J.

    An elder told me that someone who worked on a project for him at his work gave him a christmas present out of appreciation. He told her his beliefs didn't allow him to accept a christmas present. However, if she wished to remove the x-mas wrapping and consider it a gift with a non-christmas related purpose he would gladly accept it. Politely, she respected his wishes and told him it really was in fact a gift of he accepted it. Hmmm.

  • oddeye

    throw them away

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