1/15 WT: The Watchtower's Sick Social Order

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I just got done reading the latest Watchtower and it reinforces any notion that the old men who run this religion

    want nothing to do with ethical reform of their cult.

    The magazine gives an effective look at the way that the Watchtower hierarchy maintains their sick social order.

    First, women are inferiors, period. Nevermind the fact that women can manage/run/ or lead an organization equally as

    well as men. In this fantasy-led directed order, women are delighted to be led by men and accept their

    "headship". Otherwise, they aren't faithful or Christian or whatever.

    Second, disfellowshipping is used to punish and control. Worst of all , it is used to break up families

    and separate children from their Watchtower dominated parents. This is explicit - and don't think for one

    minute that they have relaxed anything in changing their disfellowshipping announcements.

    Third, obedience is demanded - to local elders and the reputed "faithful and discreet slave".

    Nevermind their corruption and self appointed rank - you are to obey them without questioning their decisions.

    The above is a summary of the sick social order that supports the slick graphics and plastic smiles that grace

    the January 15 2007 Watchtower.

    In reaction, I do, however, take some pleasure in the fact that they must be in fear of the rising equality of women

    and the continuing breakdown of Witness families to publish this ugly nonsense. In particular, the loss of so many

    "rebellious" young Witnesses can eventually bring the Watchtower to it's knees.


  • Clam

    Interesting Metatron, especially the reference to equality of the sexes. In my own Congo, some years back there were more women than men. When I asked about this, an elder told me it was because women were more likely to be at home and answering Witnesses on Field Service. Maybe that's less the case now, but I did often wonder how modern young women were prepared to surrender the position that had been so strongly fought for by their fellow sex.

    It's so insidious I suppose. You accept Jehovah then you accept his rules, however anachronistic or fatuous.


  • Ariel84


    I just loved this little gem on page 4:

    "This does not mean that a woman is to be completely silent at a meeting of the Christian congregation. She is to be silent in the sense of of not getting into disputes with a man. She is not to belittle his appointed position or endeavor to teach the congregation." pg. 4 1/15 WT

    So even if a MAN is absolutely WRONG about something, in no way is a lowly woman to call attention to that fact or disagree with said MAN. Excuse me while I go barf!

  • metatron

    Of course! In the Watchtower fantasy-land, women can't lead or think or dare to question men!

    It's God's Will.


  • james_woods

    Well, you do know that it was that air-headed naked tramp Eve that listened to her lizard-pimp and got us into this mess. See the "ransom" thread.

    In fact, I read clearly that "Eve was fooled, but Adam was not fooled". What??? He was "not fooled", but ate it anyway?

    Also, on this recent escapade: The wise G.B. has told us superior brothers not to look at pictures of Paris, Brittany, and the soon-to-be ex Miss USA...well!

    I for one used my man-brain to not be fooled and to look at them anyway.

    How's that for "theocratic strategy"?

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    I just loved this little gem on page 4:

    "This does not mean that a woman is to be completely silent at a meeting of the Christian congregation. She is to be silent in the sense of of not getting into disputes with a man. She is not to belittle his appointed position or endeavor to teach the congregation." pg. 4 1/15 WT

    So even if a MAN is absolutely WRONG about something, in no way is a lowly woman to call attention to that fact or disagree with said MAN. Excuse me while I go barf!


    I wonder then how they would explain Genesis 21:8-13, where Jehovah tells Abraham to LISTEN to Sarah!!! And look at Sarahs tone..see the exclaimation mark?? Seems like she is making a demand, not a sheepish request!


    Lady Liberty

    Genesis 21;8-13:

    8 Now the child kept growing and came to be weaned; and Abraham then prepared a big feast on the day of Isaac’s being weaned. 9 And Sarah kept noticing the son of Ha´gar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, poking fun. 10 So she began to say to Abraham: "Drive out this slave girl and her son, for the son of this slave girl is not going to be an heir with my son, with Isaac!"11 But the thing proved to be very displeasing to Abraham as regards his son.12 Then God said to Abraham: "Do not let anything that Sarah keeps saying to you be displeasing to you about the boy and about your slave girl. Listen to her voice, because it is by means of Isaac that what will be called your seed will be. 13 And as for the son of the slave girl, I shall also constitute him a nation, because he is your offspring."

  • restrangled
    "This does not mean that a woman is to be completely silent at a meeting of the Christian congregation. She is to be silent in the sense of of not getting into disputes with a man. She is not to belittle his appointed position or endeavor to teach the congregation." pg. 4 1/15 WT

    What about all the women that are part of the FDS? What a bunch of horse sh@! All those 20 something little MSs and elders running around. I'd have an awful time not disputing their ego inflated arses.


  • james_woods

    I "miss"-spoke on the "soon to be ex USA". The breaking news is that the Donald has let her stay on if she gets into rehab and cleans up her act.

    Wonder if the elders would have given her this second chance?

  • yesidid

    Their treatment of women is not even in accord with their own Bible:

    (Galatians 3:26-29) 26 YOU are all, in fact, sons of God through YOUR faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of YOU who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for YOU are all one [person] in union with Christ Jesus. 29 Moreover, if YOU belong to Christ, YOU are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.

    It's a wonder they didn't missranslate that as they did many other scriptures.

  • proplog2

    My daughter always asked me why sisters can't take attendance at the meetings.

    She concluded "Women don't count"

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