Original 1914 comments compared with what the WTS claims it said

by jwfacts 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • anakolouthos

    That was a fantastic article, jwfacts. It should be required reading for anyone who wants to study with the Witnesses. Keep up the great work!

  • cathyk


    the Society loves citing the editorial in the New York World as proof of the success of the 1914 prediction (a reference to this piece occurs throughout the Society's present-day literature on 1914), omitting the fact that the editorial misrepresented the actual pre-1914 claims.

    I just had a JW bring this up to me recently. Is there a copy of this article online? I've done a search, but maybe haven't done it correctly. How does it misrepresent the claims?

    He also mentioned how Jason BeDuhn (he didn't give me the name, but I found it easily enough) considers the Kingdom Interlinear the "best interlinear" Greek NT. My immediate unvoiced thought was, "Well, that's one in a row."


  • stillajwexelder

    great summary - thanks

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    "The fact that they were able to pinpoint that year is just phenomenal." -Anthony Morris III (Faith in Action - Part I (2010 DVD))

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