Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-10-06 WT Study (SACRED THINGS)

by blondie 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TopHat

    Yes, A classic example of how the WTS tricks you, to believe you are worshiping God, when in reality you are bowing down to the WTS dogma.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    The world in general pays less and less attention to sacred things. French sociologist Edgar Morin stated: "All the foundations upon which morals are based-God, nature, homeland, history, reason-have lost their unquestionable nature.... People pick and choose their values.

    As per usual the c%@p begins in the opening comments - these statements are a plain contradiction

    The fact that people pick and choose their values means that they ARE paying much more attention to what is sacred - TO THEM

    The article is a lie - this first sentence corrected may be The world in general pays less and less attention to OUR sacred things

    The 'watchtower' reeks of it

  • SirNose586

    I know you must've had a field day with this one...thanks again for trudging through the nonsense, Blondie.

    Edgar Morin, eh? I wish they'd put more information on their sources. Also, how the article opens with a laughable generalization--amazing how fast this sort of writing would be dismissed in a 6th grade class, isn't it?

    Shameless plug for the GB and COs in paragraph 7.

  • jschwehm

    Hi Scully:

    Jacob got to feel a bit of his own medicine when Laban pulled the switcharoo with Rachel and Leah. So, as they say, what goes around comes around.

    Jeff S.

  • 5go

  • Also, wasn’t this artificial insemination from a source other than Mary’s husband? Wasn’t she guilty of fornication…was God her husband then?
  • Did Jesus have any DNA from Mary or did God create new perfect human DNA? Otherwise, Jesus’ DNA would have been 50% from Mary and imperfect? Did the perfect DNA cancel out the imperfections in her DNA? If Jesus had had children and grandchildren, would they have all been perfect?
  • Bingo!!!!!! brought that out to a couple of elders they just look at me depressed now !

  • lighthouse19something

    Blondie, the question you raised about how did Jesus remain perfect even though Mary was imperfect, I understand it this way:

    Sin entered the world through Adam, so imperfection or perfection is passed through the 'seed' not the egg of the mother. Just as scientist have found some genetic traits are passed only from the female, while others are passed from the male. If Joseph wasn't the biological father nor any other male descendant of Adam, Jesus didn't inherit the imperfection.

  • cyberguy

    Thanks Blondie, for this weekly review!

  • Scully
  • Also, wasn’t this artificial insemination from a source other than Mary’s husband? Wasn’t she guilty of fornication…was God her husband then?
  • Did Jesus have any DNA from Mary or did God create new perfect human DNA? Otherwise, Jesus’ DNA would have been 50% from Mary and imperfect? Did the perfect DNA cancel out the imperfections in her DNA? If Jesus had had children and grandchildren, would they have all been perfect?
  • Since Mary was betrothed to Joseph at the time of conception - God violated their sacred marriage bed by impregnating Mary by whatever means took place to do so. That would have made God a fornicator and Mary an adulteress. How could a perfect human, capable of providing a ransom for all mankind, come from such a legally criminal beginning, since both parties should have been subjected to the death penalty under Jewish law?

    Now a man who commits adultery with another man's wife is one who commits adultery with the wife of his fellowman. He should be put to death without fail, the adulterer and the adulteress as well. ~ Leviticus 20:10
    Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge fornicators and adulterers. ~ Hebrews 13:4

    *** g93 3/8 p. 27 Surrogate Motherhood—Is It for Christians? ***

    Does surrogate motherhood honor marriage and keep the marriage bed undefiled? Simply put, no. Traditional surrogacy requires the insemination of the woman by donor sperm. The Bible’s view may be found at Leviticus 18:20, which says: "You must not give your emission as semen to the wife of your associate to become unclean by it." There is no Biblical basis for making a distinction between insemination by intercourse and insemination artificially by donor implantation. Therefore, in either case, fornication or adultery is committed when insemination is accomplished by a male other than the woman’s legal husband.

  • Scully

    Hi Jeff:

    Jacob got to feel a bit of his own medicine when Laban pulled the switcharoo with Rachel and Leah. So, as they say, what goes around comes around.

    True enough... but you have to wonder whether Jacob was party to or acquiesced to the switcharoo as well - he would have known the physical differences between the sisters - would have been able to distinguish their voices, the way they walked, the perfumes they wore, etc. The stories were all oral tradition before being written down... I'm sure there is a great deal of "poetic licence" going on regarding the events that took place.

    It must have been tough doing business back then, with all the switcharoos and trying to make things appear as something they are not. Mind you, we have e-Bay now.... things haven't changed much, have they??

    BTW, I meant to ask if you still have that old essay of yours posted online somewhere - the one about the "Great Crowd" being Second Class citizens in the JW belief system....

    Cheers, Scully

  • heathen

    My theory is that jesus was a genetically engineered embryo that did not have genes from either joseph or mary. It was just his lineage was the important thing .If God did have some sort of intercourse with mary then according to the genesis account jesus would have been a giant or nephilim.

    This article is clearly an attempt to reinforce their dogma of the 2 folds of sheep that they misinterpret and the spritual paradise dogma since they continue to insist that the great crowd are in the courtyard of the spiritual temple even tho Revs 7 is saying that this is happening during the tribulation with the GC escaping , so I'd like to know what the current dogma is on whether they still believe the tribulation has started or not .

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