A tribute to Moose

by cruzanheart 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    Ohhh, I am so so sorry for your loss.

  • Sunspot

    Awwww......Nina......how very sad for you all. I am so sorry to hear this. My very best to you, Chris and the kiddies.



  • Abandoned


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I feel privileged that we got to know Moose.

    Me too Blondie. He really liked both of you guys. After all you got drooled on. Best compliment a basset hound can give.

    I think the best tribute to Moose is to have a donut. That was the highlight of his life -- one donut a week.

    Hey we all have treasures in our daily life.


  • Rabbit

    Awww...you guys... We are so sorry. That was a good dog, "Moose the Moocher." At the last Crawfest he stood at my feet, licking his lips, obviously admiring that I could eat as good as he could.

    Losing a beloved pet is rough, but, Moose had a rich life and he made y'alls richer, too.

    The Rabbits

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    SO sorry to hear about losing Moose. Dogs can have such endearing personalities. And I personally love hound dogs. Basset hounds are so cute with their long ears and short legs.

    Once again, my sympathies.

  • cruzanheart

    Thanks, everyone. The house is too quiet without him. And it will be a lot harder to keep my kitchen floor clean! Every time I'd drop something, he'd vacuum it up for me. The bad habit was that he'd do the same for the counters -- while he sat low, he was a LONG little doggy and counter-surfed like a pro.



  • Alana

    {{{{{Nina & Family}}}}}

    I remember when you first got Moose and shared his pics....I'm a sucker for a hound dog and showed his pics to my friends here at work who all thought he was just adorable. I lost my beagle this summer due to a liver problem, so I can understand your loss. There's nothing like the begging eyes of a hound dog.......or the great carpet cleaning actions. :-) I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    I'm so sorry. He was a cool pup. (((Hugs to all of you.)))

  • cruzanheart

    And he was a good little apostate dog too! I had a few JW friends over the day after Thanksgiving for a big dinner -- they've stuck with us through our leaving the Borg and are still friends with us but operate on a "don't ask, don't tell" basis about a lot of stuff -- and of COURSE one of them decided to talk about the upcoming Watchtower study on Sunday (it was the one about marriage). Moose immediately flipped over onto his back and showed his buck teeth (which earned him the nickname "Psycho Dog" by the kids -- he really looked funny like that because the weight of his long ears would also pull his eyelids back so he had a rather crazed look), and when I pointed that out everyone started laughing and stopped talking about the Watchtower. Nice tension breaker, that.


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